13 Jan 2016

A question about : Claim for miss sold buildings insurance on a flat

Hi, I'm pretty sure that I've been miss sold 'buildings insurance' on a flat/apartment by Halifax. When we were applying to get a mortgage back in 2007, the lady dealing with us told us we needed buildings and contents insurance, so being first time buyers and having to get the mortgage sorted on that afternoon to secure our flat we did get both insurances, but in fact looking back now we didn't need buildings insurance as this was included in our surface charge at the flat, as we were lease holders it was not our responsibility for building insurance, it was covered in our annual surface charge.
Have we been miss soled buildings insurance? Can anyone help me???

Best answers:

  • Yes you possibly have, complain to Halifax and provide them a copy of the buildings insurance already in place. You wont get a refund on contents as its a good idea to insure that.
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