04 Aug 2015

A question about : With christmas only a few days away, whats your plans for the day?

hello all,

Its christmas day on thursday (yes it really is). what are your plans for the big day?

Best answers:

  • Me and the OH usually wake up about 6am - he goes and makes us a cup of tea and brings it back upstairs, then we open our presents to each other.
    Now our boys are grown up, and have probably been out on Christmas Eve, they won't surface until mid morning most likely. OH and I get on with the Christmas lunch between us - well, I mainly drink mulled wine and peel sprouts and he does most of the rest! My parents arrive about 11.30 and we aim to eat around 1.30. Then we all sit round the table talking and playing silly games for a bit and open some presents.
    My parents help with the washing up, OH has a nap (as he's used to working nights). My parents head home early evening and by about 9pm the lads are looking for more food - turkey sandwiches, pork pies, crisps etc. OH gets up from his nap and we have a few more drinks and watch a film.
  • Bedlam - DS is 6 and already on the ceiling; we will be at parents with nephews (4 and 5) so it is going to be loud and chaotic. DD (16) will probably open presents and disappear for some peace and quiet!
    I will be opening toys, constructing lego and eating too much :-D.
  • Our usual christmas day goes like -
    I wake my DD up (in 13 years she's never woken before me on christmas morning ) at around 8am, she opens her Santa pressies while we have a coffee. Then we get dressed and head round to my sister's house nearby, where the mass melee of family pressie opening takes place for a couple of hours over toast/bacon rolls and more tea/coffee. Then we all retire to our corners, and reconvene at my mum's house at around 4pm, for dinner. We all cram into her living room to eat, drink and laugh a lot, then once everything has been cleared away and we've all taken a turn at the dishes and clearing up, we watch a bit of carp TV until most of us are starting to nod off, then we say goodnight and head home to bed .
  • I'm 27 with no kids/partner. Will spending the day at my brothers, my dad is also visiting. Well I will wake up probably when a family member rings me! Then I will get a bacon sandwich and go to my brothers.
    Then present opening time! Then probably helping to prepare dinner (I'm not cooking ). Then it will be dinner time. Will probably spend the evening watching TV/movies.
    Then I will go home fairly late and watch Doctor Who before bed, as my brother hates Doctor Who. But if it's too late I will watch it first thing Boxing Day.
    Boxing Day - sister and brother in law will be coming down to us as well and we'll be having a 'South African' Christmas dinner using the leftvoers (sister in law is South African). It's basically a cold Christmas dinner with extras!
  • Up in the morning to find their own gifts, eat a delicious lunch. Friends come together to drink.
  • Up at the crack of dawn to see to dogs and have coffee before I start banging around to wake up the rest of house
    Kids open stockings upstairs while hubby drinks his cuppa then we go down to open rest of pressies
    Parents and brother pop in for a visit about 10 then we have a few hours relaxing before going to parents for enormous amounts of food and more presents
    Home in time for dr who kids normally want feeding again so buffet tea followed by all Xmas tv
  • It is going to be a very different Christmas morning for us this year.
    We will wake around 7am in a hotel near the airport as we have to be there by 8am to book in for our flight as this year it is just the 2 of us and we are going to Las Vegas as a treat for my OH to celebrate his Christmas Day birthday. This year it is about his 50th birthday and not about Christmas. I wanted him to have a special birthday doing something he wanted to do and this has always been his dream and l have finally made it happen (now l just need to get rid of the flu bug).
    Merry Christmas everyone
  • I am hoping our Christmas day will be the usual, quiet(ish) day we love.
    Dd2 (7) will get us up around 7am, her & dd1 (14) watch TV in our room whilst dh & I shower (and sneak downstairs to turn lights on!).
    Dd1 and I will walk the dogs whilst dh makes breakfast, then we open stockings in the kitchen whilst munching croissants!
    Present opening is usually noisy and fun, dh is armed with scissors etc to remove packaging, and I'm on camera duty.
    Fil joins us mid morning, and there's more pressies exchanged.
    Dinner is 2pm ish, and the crackers reveal a letter from Santa telling dds where he has hidden their special gift!
    Our afternoon involves a lazy walk to the local, a few drinks and lots of laughter with friends (and dds' friends).
    Then its back home to build Lego, watch a film we have already seen umpteen times, snack on cheese, pate & crackers, and we are usually all ready for bed by 9pm!
    Boring? Maybe. Predictable? Definitely. Would I change it? Not for all the tea in China!
  • What I would like to happen is to have a lie in then breakfast in bed then open pressies .
    The reality is I will be woken early by my DD , put the kettle on then open pressies then she will go back to bed leaving myself & my OH wide awake !!!
  • A bit different for us this year as for the last 25 years we have had Christmas at our house with our two daughters, sometimes MIL and sometimes my Mum and step-dad(or dad until he died 20 years ago). This year we are going to our daughter and son in laws, they live close by with our other daughter and my mum and step dad. MIL is now in a home up near Brother in law. We will eat a lot, drink some but not overdo it, play games, watch TV and play with daughter and son in law's cats. I expect I may be called on to help with cooking too
  • sit in my pyjamas and eat and drink
  • Hopefully the kiddies won't be up too early. They have stockings upstairs to buy a little more time. FIL may put the kettle on if MIL nudges him. We'll have a brew and yawn some while the littlies (4&5) open the stockings then head downstairs.
    DS will tear through his, DD will be a bit overwhelmed and want to put her Rapunzel dress on. Hopefully my dad will arrive early enough not to miss the fun, and someone will find chairs for everyone while my mum makes breakfast.
    All the while I'll be trying to calm DS down
    Both lego building and dinner making will be a collaborative affair - lots of grandparents to help.
    One by one, MIL, FIL and I will sneak off for a quiet moment, as we muddle through our 4th Christmas without my late DH. We will light a candle for him at the dinner table.
    But, muddle through we will! Together. That's what Christmas is about for us.
    Later there will be fresh air, even if just playing out on the bikes. A nap for anyone who needs, FIL will hog the remote, changing channels every 5min, lol. Then a buffet supper of whatever is in the fridge that we fancy, maybe a game of Wii bowling or similar, more tv, drinks and then bed.
    It's going to be a bit crammed in, but we always manage somehow.
  • we normally either go to my family or his but i had an operation early november so for the first time in 17 years we have been together we are having xmas in our own home. His folks are coming over as his grandma passed last month and i dont want his mum to be on her own (with his dad) this xmas as his brothers are all going over on boxing day.
    wake up, bacon and egg sarnie, put turkey on prep veg chill for a bit, turn bird, eat and drink and be merry
  • My plan for Xmas day is have a lie in (we usually go to the pub on Xmas eve), then bacon sandwich and present opening. Chill out and watch a movie (Muppets Xmas Carol or Polar Express), then off to my parent's for a late dinner. In the evening we will go round to visit some friends, eat some nibbles and have a drink or two
    Last year was a bit different - we woke up in Maui, went whale watching at 6am, then had a turkey sandwich en route to the airport. Spent most of the day in airports or on planes, ate Xmas lunch on the plane (pasta and a glass of red). Flew to Las Vegas, got in about midnight, went to a bar for a drink. It was amazing Bit gutted we're not there this year, but DH can't usually get time off over the festive period so we made the most of it last year!
    Have a great Chirstmas everyone! x
  • This christmas will be a bit different for me now I've separated from my partner and living back with my parents. I'm taking my little girl to the Christingle service at Church this evening, but she's spending the night with her grandparents because her mums working a night shift.
    I'm not 100% sure how they're going to do the whole waking up on Christmas morning thing with her. Last year we decided not to let her open her presents until after we'd been to church (does anyone else do this with their children?) but she felt a bit left out be ause all of the other children had taken toys with them to the service.
    For me this year, I'll probably get up about 8, go to the service at church, come home for Christmas dinner with my parents, open presents after watching the queen, and I've been invited round a friends house on Christmas day evening.
    Boxing Day I'm going out for a meal with my little girl, her mum and some of her extended family. That might be a bit awkward because her new boyfriend will be there, but on the other hand I'm there mainly for my daughter and it'll be nice to see my ex's parents again. We do all still get on with eachother, so there shouldn't be too much to worry about.
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