25 Apr 2016

A question about : Child Tax Credits

I am aware of Working Tax Credits but have not been aware of Child Tax Credits. We have been in receipt of Child Benefit, but not of Child Tax Credits. I have been medically retired for many years and realise I am unable to claim for Working Tax Credits. However I have not been aware that I would be eligible for Child Tax Credits.

I have now become aware of them and have entered my details in the Tax Credit Calculator on the HMRC website. I now realise that we have been missing out on Child Tax Credits since they were introduced in 2003. I am also aware that normally back payments can only be made for 31 days. But I feel that we have a valid reason to appeal for a longer period of back payments because we have been unaware that we would be eligible and have received no information about them. I now understand that information packs were sent out but we did not receive any pack, for me or my wife.

I have written to the Tax Credits office in Preston but would really like to know what advice there is for us to get redress on this. Thank you.

Best answers:

  • Being unaware of your eligibility to claim CTC is not a defence. The information has been out there since the beginning and it has always been the responsibility of individuals to claim what the may be entitled to.
    They don't chase you to give you money, you have to take responsibility for yourself.
  • WTC and CTC were both introduced in April 2003, how did you find out about WTC?
  • I knew about Tax Credits from the budget some years ago and the budget refered to Working Tax Credits. I don't recall any mention of Child Tax Credits, only of Child Benefit.
    Furthermore the term Tax Credits implies a credit on the tax due. In fact I have now found out that CTC's are paid out regardless of tax due. Even if your income is below the tax allowance and you are not paying any tax you will still be paid the CTC's. It would appear it has nothing to do with crediting tax at all.
  • When you fill in the Tax Credits application form if you state how many children you have, from what i can remember i was advised of both, how much i would be entitled to for Tax Credits and also how much Child Tax Credit. The information was available when the scheme was launched, you must have missed it. There is no way you are going to receive backdated CTC for more than 31 days, as previously posted, saying you didn't know about is no defence.
    It's all linked to WTC as when you receive your annual renewal documents, both WTC and CTC payments are on the same form. How old are your children now as CTC is only paid until they are 16 or longer if they are in further education.
  • I am now aware of what you say. However I came onto this forum for advice from Citizens Advice Bureau experts. I don't think you are.
    My only way to deal with this is to apply now and to appeal for back payments as far as possible by appeal.
    I am not looking for a 'defence', as you put it, I am not being accused of anything. I am looking to put an unfair situation right.
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