10 Jan 2018

A question about : child tax credit rebate!

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Back to the original post....


hi there, could somebody tell me how to claim child tax credit rebate for 01/02& 03/04, ive recently heard that you can claim tax back. ive called tax credit helpline & they told me 2 call my local tax office, which is in east kilbride(i stay in highlands) the tax office said they dont have a clue what im talking about. i know im due rebate as i was in employment at that time and i really dont want to involve refunds direct, whom iv heard bad reports from.

could someone help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best answers:

  • Child Tax Credit is the current scheme where the Tax Credit Office pays you money. The previous scheme was known as Children's Tax Credit and was given as an extra tax-free allowance, thereby allowing you to earn more before you paid any tax.
    You claim simply by completing form 11CTC - you cannot get this form online (although the Welsh version is here) so would need to call your tax office for a copy. You might be able to order a copy from the orderline on 0845 9000 404.
  • The form is still valid, it's just not common any more. As a general rule, tax offices have anything up to 3 months post to go through, you might be waiting a while for them to read your letter! I would have thought the local office could print you a copy of the form from their system, but you'd need to speak to someone who knew what they were doing!
  • called the no. above, told 2 call tax credits, they dont have form the guy (who was so nice) said he never heard of it, even went 2 ask supervisor. he said 2 get in touch with my own tax office, but ive called them b4 & they didnt have a scooby what i was on about.makes u think what on earth do they know. so i think il write to tax office & tax credits enclosing copy of form from their website.
    let u know how i get on.
  • It has nothing to do with the modern system of tax credits, referring you to that office wouldn't help in the slightest. Ideally you'd need to speak to someone at the tax office who was around when the Children's Tax Credit was first launched, anyone who has joined since will just refer all 'tax credit' queries to the tax credit office.
    If you want to speak to someone over the phone about it, ask to speak to a technician - they're the most experienced people available at HM Revenue & Customs contact centres.
  • I just got the form from this link
    hope this helps
  • Just recieved this email, i rung and asked, and i hadn't claimed it. Fingers crossed.
    Happy New Year everyone! You may be interested in this.
    I have a friend who alerted me to this tax allowance.
    The year before tax credits were introduced there was a different non means tested allowance available which was never advertised by the Inland Revenue so you probably didn't know it existed. It is called the Children's tax allowance 2002/03
    You can still claim this Ј520 allowance before 31st January if
  • You have a child born between 6 April 1986 and 5 April 2003
  • The child has lived with you for all or part of 2002/3
  • You worked and paid tax for all or part of 2002/3
  • You or your partner earned more than Ј6000 in the year 2002/3
  • You can claim Ј1040 if
    You can answer yes to the four questions above
    One of your children was born between 6 April 2002 and 5 April 2003
    Have your NI number ready.
    Phone HMRC and ask them to check whether you ( or your partner if appropriate) have already received this allowance and if not you will be advised to download CTC11 from the website and send it in. It is as easy as that. You may be eligible for a cheque for one of the amounts.
    You can't claim twice and if your final tax code on your April 2003 P 60 ended in H or T you have already had the allowance.
    Your marital status is irrelevant
    Claiming does not affect current or future entitlement to Working or Child Tax CreditIt could make a nice little windfall after Christmas,
    Good luck!

  • An e-mail with similar details to those on Stulaunch's post was doing the rounds at work today. I thought maybe it was a scam, so googled it. There are/were some HMRC scams going around, but this doesn't appear to be one of them. Therefore I can only assume it is not a fake. A couple of guys at work called the number and said that it seemed genuine. On the face of it, it appears a little too good to be true that notification that HMRC are giving away hundreds of pounds arrives via a scratty e-mail. The form you must complete doesn't appear to ask for bank or credit card details. Just a shame I don't qualify!! :confused:
    Since the deadline is quite close, I'm surprised Martin and his team haven't highlighted this in their weekly bulletin because I would imagine that many thousands of Moneysavers must qualify for this money.
  • https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/...1#post16465101
    Where you can download the forms and the address where to send.
    Post quoted from: chriiiiis.
    Send your form to:
    HM Revenue & Customs
    9th Floor
    Castle House
    31 Lisbon Street
    LS1 4SW
  • Hi
    Can i ask i am currently receiving child tax credit and have been doing for about 7 years does this mean i will have already had this or is it a seperate allowance?
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