12 Oct 2016

A question about : Cheapest/best ways to get fit and exercise?

I'm a single parent to a 3 yr old boy and would very much like to lose some weight! Would like to drop a stone or so, but as I'm restricted with my situation, have any MSErs got any ideas?

Best answers:

  • Walk instead of taking the bus / car?
    There should be walking groups out there.
    If you want to take up running, there's the Sweatshop running community. But as this is of an evening, it may be a problem for you?
  • Walking; Cycling, Swimming. Maybe now we're approaching winter could you get youdelf a Wii. Work from the comfort of your own home, maybe even get your Son involved.
  • Have a look at myfitnesspal website and apps ect. It does the fitness and eating the correct amount of calories thing.
  • Hi
    I am led to believe that 80% to 90% of desired weight loss can be achieved with diet, the rest being exercise.
    So what are you eating and can you cut back? In the last week, I have switched to meat, a little carbohydrates and lots of salad. When I say a little carbohydrate, I am talking about things like breaded chicken and no other carbohydrate than the breading. I lost 1.5kg over the past week. (I also have managed about 30 min of low-medium intensity exercise every day this past week.) If I do need carbs, I eat an apple or have some crackers.
    In your case do you snack? Say on your child's meals? I know parents that do that and put on weight.
    In terms of exercise have you considered skipping? Can be done at home if you have the space and floorboards. A few books and youtube videos can get you started if you need. If you do decide to skip, please start slowly and remember to stretch your calves very well after each session.
    Just my initial thoughts. HTH.
  • No, I don't snack on my son's meals. My dog does that lol I'm not like that lovely single mother who was in the paper recently weighing 25st. I watch what I eat but just need ideas for ways to get active.
  • Could you and your 3 year old jog (with a bit of walking) for 35/40 mins?
    If so then I would definitely recommend a 'parkrun'
    Saturday morning 9am start, enjoy the run, back home at 10/10.30 at the latest and then start the day on a high.
    At our local parkrun there are 300+ every week from very decent athletes to people looking to lose weight and also many with young kids. You should see the little ones sprint finish when they see the end!
    If there is one near you then maybe go and watch for the first week.
    The one I go to is extremely friendly with a great atmosphere, register, print off the barcode and they will put your result on the web site Saturday afternoon.
    Little ones do 10 runs and then get a special T-Shirt for free.
    Its free by the way so very MSE!
  • Working on the basis that your diet is good, I'd work out when you can exercise as I guess your time is limited raising a 3 year old on your own. The aim here would be to identify exactly (and realistically) what time you have to do exercise so you can work out a plan.
    I'd choose something you can do from your front door and for a relatively low cost - jogging/running, fast walking, cycling, press ups/sit ups at home.
    You don't say what exercise you currently do, if nothing then perhaps start with a walk/run routine.
    If you can commit to 3x30 minute sessions per week you'll see the benefits if you can increase to 5x30 all the better.
    Best of luck.
  • If you need a little extra motivation the Jillian Michaels 30day shred DVD is really good. It has short workouts, (20mins) but you really feel like you've worked hard. You could probably pick up a cheap copy on ebay or look out in charity shops.
  • Leeds Council do free swimming and gym sessions during the week at different places. If you can use your free childcare and do a few of these a week then you would lose that quickly.
    Maybe your local council has something.
  • I'm now approaching my target weight of 70kg (from 80kg) I've done it (or about to do it) by running, cycling, swimming and cutting my alcohol consumption. Over 18 months I have saved about Ј1,800 on wine, I started paying Ј100/month into a SS ftse tracker (which I named 'wine saver', I'd like to think that I can keep it going for decades, it'll be interesting to see how much it grows to). I am thinking about having a go at a triathlon next year.
  • I guess you don't have much free time, so you'll be pleased to know that very short bursts of very intense effort sprinkled throughout a fairly shortish exercise session can lead to greater fat-burn and a sustained rise in metabolic rate (how quickly the body uses available energy supply, such as the body fat you wish to lose). Look up Interval Training, HIIT, or Fartlek for ideas on how to put this into practice. This also makes exercising less boring due to pace changes & gives you something to focus on other than your tired muscles. Conversely, "steady state" training can lower your metabolic rate as your body becomes used to sustained effort, which in turn slows the fat burn. But it's still great for your heart of course. It must be said that you should consult your GP prior to embarking on a course of exercise if you have any concerns or medical conditions etc etc. Happy Metabolising!
  • Just be more active, take small steps initially.
    - walk rather than take the car
    - go for a jog
    - walk with the kids
    - buy a bicycle
    - do more work in the garden
    every little bit helps.
  • OP, I see you are in the West Midlands. In some Birmingham parks they offer free activities for kids and adults to help them get fit. This scheme was originally called Active Parks and is now known as ParkLives (the council received sponsorship money from Coca Cola Zero). To find free activities in a park near you check out www.parklives.com
    Some parks in Birmingham also have cycle hubs where you can hire a bicycle for a small amount of money, again this project was designed for local communities to get fit and not spend much money.
    I know that in my local park we have Couch to 5K, Nordic Walking and Tai Chi - all free.
    This ParkLives scheme is also operating in Newcastle and the London Borough of Newham.
    All activities aim to get you off your sofa and into our lovely parks to have fun and get fit.
  • Another thought...If you can "Buddy-up" with someone in the same boat as you, preferably who has a child your son's age, maybe a parent you like & trust from your son's toddler's/playgroup/nursery, you could take turns to play with/mind the kids or give them lunch while the other parent got in a half hour run/swim/bike ride/fitness DVD or attend a lunchtime Spinning Class (indoor cycling) which is quite intense & good for fat-burn if you really go for it. Many gyms do shorter classes over the lunch period to allow workers to get there & back & do a bit of exercise during their break, so you wouldn't have to leave him for too long.
    Buddying would save crиche or other childcare fees, be sociable for your son & you could relax & use the time well, knowing he was in good hands. You could also then share tips & help to motivate each other...even have regular weigh-ins. Solitary weightloss can be a difficult & lonely journey but this way would have some of the benefits of a Personal Trainer (motivation & commitment) without the cost. And see if you can get a discounted gym membership if you're eligible for any concessions, or find out if you can use it on a "drop-in" basis if it's just once a week. All the Best :-)
  • Eat healthy and two brisk walks a day, it worked for me and it saved me money didn't cost a penny
  • Get your son involved as well - games of tig in the garden / park, add a bit of competition and have short races with him etc. Start with short sessions, and build it up. You can get quite inventive with games that will get both of you running around. You both get some exercise, makes childcare fun, everyone's a winner!
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