22 Feb 2017

A question about : Cheap coarse sand for succulents?

I want to make a mix of soil for my succulents. I'm going to have a go at propagating the ones I have, and buy others and propagate them too title=Smile
But I want to make up my own mix with potting compost, perlite and coarse sand.
I don't have anywhere to store a big bag of sand so I am not getting a sack of builders sand. Do any of you know where I can get a smaller bag from? The cheaper the better too please title=Smile

Best answers:

  • I get mine from B&Q or Wickes. The bags aren't huge and don't take up too much space
  • Don't use sharp or builders sand.. its not been washed and can contain a lot of salt and other chemicals that are fine for building but may damage plants.
    Buy washed & graded silver sand or Horticultural sand which is inert. 5kg or 10kg bags available in all good garden centres for Ј2-Ј4 max so hardly going to break the bank, and won't kill your plants.
  • The ten aloes I potted on last year and both parent plants wouldn't agree with that- they love the mix they're in, which is a 50/25/25 mix of compost, sharp sand and gravel
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