02 May 2018

A question about : Changing sick leave

Hi just after some advice
new manager new ideas title=Embarrassment
WE used to have a sick year that ran from April to end March the new manager has decided that we will have a rolling sick leave policy now obviously they have brought this in with no staff consultation and it will be started from your last period of sickness not starting afresh with new rules from April
can they do this?

Best answers:

  • Is your sick leave contractual?
  • Do you mean is it in our contract if so all that is there is only the amount of time you are paid for not how the year is run
  • In that case I think they can do it......... (and speaking as an employer, I think it's a sensible way to run a sick leave system. Speaking as an employee, it can be a PITA - it meant that when I broke my shoulder and needed over a week in bed sleeping off the shock I couldn't even have a day's paid sickness for quite a long time as I think ours runs over 2 years!!!!!!)
  • Many companies are doing this to stop people taking the !!!!, we had someone go sick on 1st Oct and use their 6 months sick leave in the year ........... and went on to use 1st April to 30th Sept for the next year, 12 months off on full pay.
  • I do get all this and i think that wherever you work there are people who work the system but i just would have thought that a consultation or an explanation would have been a better way to go about things we are stil waiting for an explination on how it works despite asking HR twice
  • No union involvment at present
    i think that some of us would like this explained in simple terms how it works and not just an e mail that no one understands
  • I would expect sickness policy to be decided at company level, not by individual managers. Separate policies would be a nightmare to manage. What happens if somebody changes roles within the company and has a new manager with a different policy.
    If the change is at company level then I think the answer is Yes they can change the policy. It will stop people using 'spare' sick days as extra holiday at the end of the year.
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