02 Mar 2018

A question about : Can't make a website payment! No Verified page

I have been trying to pay for some items for a couple of days now. When the payment page continues to the 'Mastercard Securecode' stage where you type in your 3 digits from your password, the page is just blank and i cannot proceed. No payment has been taken but the 'securesuite' page is not working.I thought it was my computer settings but have since found out that the security website is down. Is anybody else having a similar problem. I have had it with two different vendors. title=Mad

Best answers:

  • Would it not help if you told us which card you are using and the retailers you have tried to shop at?
    Have you also tried another browser and cleared your cache/cookies?
  • Matercard issued by whom?
    Do you know if it is an offline or online card?
  • Just tried a different website ... same problem. The window with SecurePass is just blank.
  • I can't test it myself as I don't need to buy anything, but I think if it really was completely unavailable there would be more reports of it than just yours. Which to me indicates that the issue is either with Aqua, or more likely, your system.
  • Sounds like whoever the issuer uses to provide them their SecureCode platform is having problems.
  • Do you have another card to try?
  • Take a look here https://adblockplus.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25835
  • https://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.c...uresuite.co.uk
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