13 May 2017

A question about : Can i add more pv panels to my 4kw system?

I had a 4KW system fitted in oct and rushed into it as i could have had a bigger system but didnt want to wait for dno approval. It is generating more than expected so can i buy a bigger inverter (im looking at adding 10 more 250w panels so would probably be looking at a 6KW inverter and selling my 3.6 inverter) and if so what would happen to my FIT?

Best answers:

  • Hi Evo,
    Nothing would happen to your current FiT, that's safe. You can upgrade the inverter and use the same generation meter. It would be proportioned accordingly, so 4kWp at your current FiT and 2.5kWp at the 4-10kWp rate.
    Your meter would read 61.5%(4kWp) at the old FiT and 38.5%(2.5kWp) new rate.
    Hope that explains it
    Ps, don't forget DNO approval!!
  • Evomatt, a single inverter is probably the easiest option, but you could also run the 2.5kWp extension through it's own inverter, before sharing the TGM, and being apportioned as Tunnel describes, or even through it's own TGM and submitting two readings each time - like what I does.
    Lots of options. Best of luck with the DNO.
    [Edit: I'm assuming the new panels are the same orientation, pitch etc as the originals? M.]
  • Hi guys,
    My first post, and yes, I'll update my profile soon.
    Just wanted to add that you can also have two generation metres, i.e. 2 completely separate systems. I opted for this as the additional cost was negligible and you then know exactly where you are. You have completely separate accounts with your FIT supplier and submit 2 readings each quarter.
    What they did with me was to align the read and payment daes to that of the original system.
  • I suppose you could argue (from a revenue pov) that if your new panels (extension) are likely to perform (based on TIC/DNC forget which) equal or better than your primary installation you should go down the shared generation meter route. However if they're likely to drag your performance down then get separate meters.
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