04 May 2016

A question about : British gas passed details to debt collector for account have already settled

Really fed up with British gas as after many many phonecalls and reassurances that I had settled my final bill on a previous address I have received a demand from a debt collection agency today.
Phoned BG again and got same apologies and promises to delete this old account. Also phoned debt collection agency and explained situation however they said I will have a negative credit rating now and it's totally dependent on BG sorting this before it will be clean again. As they have messed up too many times before I'm not convinced this will be done. What can I do to make sure my credit rating is not affected?

Best answers:

  • Hi Weejen30, thank you for your query regarding British Gas
    I would suggest you make this a complaint and put it in writing to British Gas and send a copy to the debt collection agency and ask them for a written response stating they have ammended your credit rating to reflect the settled account and that there is nothing owing still. You need to send the complaint by recorded delivery and keep a copy. If they do not respond or you are unhappy with the response or your credit report is not updated then I would suggest you take the complaint to the Ombudsman. You can find more information about making a complaint and Ombudsmen at www.adviceguide.org.uk.
    Hope this is of assistance.
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