19 Jul 2015

A question about : breach of compromise agreement by employer.


Best answers:

  • Have a word with the solicitor who advised at the time the content was agreed.
    You should have a copy signed by the employer at sign-off, can you get you hands on the version supplied to the prospective employer?
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  • Was union solicitor involved?
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  • Just for clarity (and in no way intending to judge) - your compromise agreement was as a result of a disciplinary incident. You were asked specifically in the interview whether you had a disciplinary record or allegations and you denied this. Is there likely to have been enough doubt in the potential employers mind that they have asked this question directly to your ex-employer in which case irrespective of any agreed reference I'd expect them to have a duty to answer a direct question honestly ?
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  • send your last employer a copy of that letter, plus the reference they sent your job & the letter you got saying offer is withdrawn and a letter saying if you do not get a significant pay out you will take them to court!! Do it, they can not get away with it.
    Call ACAS and a lawyer tomorrow!
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