15 May 2018

A question about : Boss shouting at work

My friend has just called in a right state.

At work today she went to pick up a parcel from the post office during work hours (it was for her daughter).

When she returned to work (only away for about 10 minutes) her boss called her into his office and shouted at her saying that she had no right to leave her desk for personal reasons. He was really loud and everyone in the building heard.

She's been told by him that she will be disciplined for unauthorised absence but she says that she's going to raise a grievance against him for 'bullying' as she felt completely humiliated by him shouting at her. All her friends in the office have said that he was out of order and they will be witnesses to this.

I've told her she should go in tomorrow and apologise rather than making the situation worse. She's convinced that she didn't do anything wrong - even though she didn't get permission to leave.

Where does she stand regarding raising a grievance please?

Best answers:

  • What people say they will do and what they actually do are often different. I wouldn't bank on them being willing witnesses.
  • not good she left premises with out permission - as she is paid to be at post , also could argue if fire and cannot find her could be issues.
    Yes the boss should not have shouted but given she does not even think she has done anything wrong there could be other issues going on with her attitude at work.
  • I take it she didn't ask permission to leave? Maybe her boss needn't have shouted but I can see his/her point of view because you friend should have been at her desk and not gone waltzing out to the post office when she should have been in work. As she left then her absence is unauthorised.
  • No she just went to pick up a parcel for her daughter. Think she's thinking that being shouted at was wrong and it's like bullying.
    I've told her to say sorry etc tomorrow but she doesn't seem to get it.
  • You have given her the best possible advice - she appears to be choosing to ignore it!
    My advice would be to (a) join a union if she isn't a member and (b) not to 'walk out'of a workplace without permission - for any reason!
  • She raises a grievance and she will up the ante - the boss may counter with a written warning for the original offence of theft of time - as in leaving to go to the Post Office.
    Plus, I cant see anyone being able to leave their desk, go to the Post Office, queue for a parcel, sign for a parcel, walk back to the office and then get to their desk all withing 10 minutes.
    I thnk your friend may have understated the time she was away from her desk and overstated the reaction of her boss (no-one's voice is loud enough to be heard throughout an entire building - unless it's a porta cabin).
  • There seem to be some apologist sheep on here.
    Join the army if you want to be shouted at. Even there it isn't the best way to go about things.
    You don't shout at people in the workplace.
    It is totally unacceptable.
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