15 Mar 2017

A question about : BEWAR : try this perfume

just got this email from friend. I've not idea if it's real but not worth taking chances :

It was about 3 weeks ago, I was at the Shell station in London getting diesel. It was about 11:30 pm. I was approached by 2 men and 2 women in a car. The man that was driving asked me 'What kind of perfume do you
I was a bit confused and I asked him 'Why?' He said 'We are selling some name brand perfumes, at cheap prices.' I said I had no money. He then reached out of the car and handed me paper that was laminated; it had many perfumes on it. I looked quickly at it and gave it back. I said, 'I have no money'. He said 'It is OK, we take cheque, cash or credit cards'. Then the people in the car began to laugh. I just got in my car and said no thanks.

Then I received this e-mail yesterday and it sent chills up my spine.
Please read this. It is not joke.

Here is the e-mail I was sent :

Dear Friends: I know not all of you are women that I am sending this to, but I am hoping you will share this with your wives, daughters, mother, sisters, etc.

Our world seems to be getting crazier by the day. Pipe bombs in mailboxes and sickos in parking lots with perfume. Be careful. I was approached yesterday afternoon around 3:30 pm in the Tesco car park when
two males asked what kind of perfume I was wearing. Then they asked if I'd like to sample some fabulous scent they were willing to sell me at a very reasonable rate. I probably would have agreed had I not received an e-mail some weeks ago warning of a 'Wanna smell this neat perfume?'

Basically the guys ask you to SNIFF PERFUME that they are selling at a cheap price. BUT THIS IS NOT PERFUME...IT IS ETHER! When you sniff it, you'll pass out. They'll take your wallet, your valuables and heaven knows what else.
If it were not for this e-mail, I probably would have sniffed the 'perfume' but thanks to the generosity of an e-mailing friend, I was spared whatever might have happened to me. I wanted to do the same for you.


(Sorry it's so long)

Best answers:

  • Thanks for the warning Flossie
  • This is a rather old urban myth check out www.snopes.com using 'perfume' as a search word.
  • This is a better link to the same story (virtually the same word for word as the e mail received by the OP on this list)
    The original myth came from the US so the alledged incident took place in the parking lot of Wall Mart as opposed to a service station.
  • Anyhow....ether is pretty ineffective unless its applied directly to the nasal cavity, sniffing a bottle, or spritzing as you would with perfume would provide a mild effect, similar to sniffing poppers.
    Think about it how many times are you in boots looking for a new smell and you shove your nose in and take 5-6 deep breaths of it unless its really good :P
    Anyway it's rohipnol you need to look out for.....stick you thumb in your bottle while you dance!!!!
    Take care peeps
  • Don't worry about this - it has no legs to stand on but you will!
    Chlorophyll needs to be breathed on for more than one sniff to have any effect and I would say that would be the main thing to worry about.
    There is no chemical powerful enough to knock you out in one sniff like that.
    It is very much an urban legend and you will find it on many urban legend sites.
    They feed on peoples fear - hence the reason why these are spread so quickly.
    From my re-collection there isn't a reported case of this happening.
    If you check out the 2nd mail you got, you'll see it's an edited version. A lot of the terminology is american. Read it through aloud and you'll notice it.
    Search for 'urban legends' on google. They're interesting sites.
    But then you can never be too careful
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