17 Jan 2018

A question about : Benefits shake-up: warning for non-working claimants

This is the discussion thread for the following MSE News Story:

Tough welfare rules will strip the unemployed of handouts for up to three years if they refuse to work...

Read the full story:
Benefits shake-up: warning for non-working claimants


Best answers:

  • About time.
  • Always amazes me how any discussion threads on benefits have to be moved to DT, except for those started by MSE staff.
  • without right of appeal !
    what about human error?
    i got told i missed a wfi with pathways but i was there!!!!, the info was entered wrong on system!
    can you imagine being sanctioned with no way to appeal and the person just saying "no" you didnt turn up!!!!!
  • Good job that there will be three strikes before you're out then. Alot more than some employees in work get from their bosses!
    It shouldn't bother those who want to work, and want to get into employment - as they're not the ones who are going to be turning down job offers are they? Hopefully will get rid of the few who do see benefit handouts as a lifestyle instead of working at a starting wage that is better than JSA and working their way up the ladder as you do in the working world.
  • 'Non-wroking claimants'? A company goes into liquidation and you blame those being made redundant for the faults of the management and the economy. This site is so nasty at times.
  • About time, but I doubt this will ever work. They always aim high and then water it down. I wonder if we will see a spike in DLA claimants once this is put into place (with DLA being exempt from changes).
  • How about the Government creating jobs, that will cut the JSA bill and raise revenue. But no, they're sacking thousands of civil servants and are not allowed to stop EU immigration!
  • how about creating more jobs for the entry level unskilled worker making it pay to work rather than stripping people of benefits forcing them to find work that just isnt out there (in most cases)
    I say this as a full time worker 40+ hours a week,
    I know how hard it is to find work and even find a better paid job than im in now, ive been searching for 2 years!
  • You make some good points there. But although I expect most machinery is made abroad, once it gets here you still need workers to deliver it, install it, run it, maintain it, service it and clean it. So although there is less work, perhaps it isn't as low as you'd think.
  • Does anybody know how the enforced work placement is going to be compatible with the mimimum wage regulations?
  • if there is a job there for somone on the dole to do for there money, then there should be a "paying" job doing it full time so the person is not on the dole anyway
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