17 May 2018

A question about : Benefits Cash Card

Hi all,

I have already posted this on another forum however just want to let you all know on here if you don't know.

Just want to let you know what the goverment plans are and this is a stupid idea!

The Goverment are stating that people on benefits will be issued with a benefits card to get food and basic items and reduced fags and beer spending!

First of all I don't smoke so this won't affect me but I like a drink now and then but I don't drink all the time! second how on earth will I be able to pay my bt bill as I have bt to search for Jobs online and apply online, this is just sick and really horrible what the goverment is doing to honest climants like me as people who play with the system who is not looking for work and like spending they lives on benefits and no intention of finding a Job is making honest climants who gets this card and take it to a tesco store ete so embarrassing and we don't have to put up with this!

and if this gets into force how on earth people can pay they gas and electric top ups? as I have a top up meter for both and pay other bills like water? tv Licence? title=Frown

It really angers me this and honest climants shouldn't been made to suffer title=Mad

What do you think of this?

Best answers:

  • I think you may need to look at the detail as they will not be following the Australian example which is more draconian. I see it as a potentially good thing. Note the word potentially, if done right it could be a revolution. Done wrong, there will be a revolution!
  • How will I pay for travel and bills etc with food cards?
  • Good idea, the tax payer shouldnt be funding fags and booze only the essentials.
  • 1) This proposal doesn't intend this for all claimants. Only those who are alcoholics, drug addicts, gambling addicts, some problem families, to stop them spending all their benefits on non-essentials and neglecting to pay for essentials. An alcoholic will no longer be able to drink away all the money that was intended to buy food for their children, for example.
    2) It will only be for part of their benefits and they will still receive some cash.
    How is this a bad thing?
    Why get hysterical over something you haven't bothered to look at properly? Took me 20 seconds to find the actual proposal on google.
  • might make some people get a job instead of sitting at home with their sky tv and plasma screens watching jeremy kyle all day smoking and drinking their benefits away
  • I imagine that the crime rate will go through the roof if this happens.
    Alcoholics, druggies, gamblers, are addicts who will go to great lengths to get their 'fix'.
    If they dont get the money for it (and rightly so-they shouldnt), they will resort to theft (more than they do already).
  • This is the link, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...s-alcohol.html
  • "Between 50 per cent and 70 per cent of income is 'quarantined' for essential needs depending on the individual's circumstances. The rest is available as cash."
    They can use the part available as cash for the gas etc.
  • or they could get a job!!!
  • there are plenty of jobs out there if they want one, easier to sit at home and take in the easy money of benefits
  • the daily mail is the only newspaper that tells the truth about benefits,
    and everyone has heard of jeremy kyle, and the benefits recipients who appear on it
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