11 Jan 2018

A question about : Been called for medical

Just got a letter from ATOS that I need to go for a medical assessment on the 26th October.

I feel very very scared, I am shaking and tearful already and worried I will fail and loose my money!!

Considering I thought I had filled the form in to the best of my ability, I have a heart condition and am worried how the stress of this will affect my health.

I've heard so many bad things that people fail at these medicals, I really don't know how I will cope if I have to appeal!!

Any help please to help me pass would be very grateful!!

Best answers:

  • I can see why you'd post a new thread, OP, but I thought I'd link to earlier ones, so all the advice is in one place -- I hope I got the right ones.
  • My partner's wages wont support both of us; his overtime has now stopped, and as he pays the mortgage he cant afford to pay for me as well!!
  • Mara's right. The aim of these things is to get people back into work that they can do, not keep them at home.
    My mum had to attend an ATOS medical - she said they were very friendly and clear about what was going on, they didn't try and ask her anything to "trip her up". As it was, she was 3 months from her pension anyway, so it was a bit silly calling her in!
    OP - you might find work helps your anxiety, and admin work doesn't require too much walking.
    HBS x
  • Try and see the medical a a positive. It might give you a chance to explain your problems in depth and you might find out that there are jobs that you can do.
  • hi op,
    my husband has tachycardia his heart beats at 127 beats a min night and day,his consultant has tried different tablets,and lots of tests,he has had to wear monitors for 24 hours and also 4 days.
    He see's his consultant every 4 months,if your tachycardia is a problem your consultant would be seeing you regular and you would have medication to help.
    hope all goes well at your medical.
  • The Samaritans offer a non-judgemental sympathetic ear. They aren't just there to provide support to those who feel suicidal but are thoughtful and kind to anyone who is experiencing a crisis. Consider giving them a call, they may have a local branch.
    You maybe going through a profound change in the future and it's clear that you prefer the status quo. The Samaritans can help you overcome the stress and fear that is hanging over you until the ATOS process is concluded.
  • i aswell as muttley have given you the process in many of your threads, had you made a single thread and just updated it it would be in one place for you to refure back to to what steps you need to take now.
    there is nothing we can do to assist you through the medical other than tell you can have someone with you when you go to the medical for support and a whitness.
    listen to the line of questions they ask you and answer them as they apply to you.
    then wait for the DWP to contact you for a result once you have your result come back to one your threads look up the advice you have been given, and ask any more questions for clarity.
  • Can we stick to this thread now Mumz for your case.. please try to keep everything here... we've got the links to previous threads above and I for one am begging you not to make any more. As above... be aware of the descriptors you feel apply to you and attend the medical and be honest. Be aware they like to extrapolate facts from daily life to determine if descriptors apply. Your physical appearance and behaviours will be recorded and also potentially used to justify descriptor choice. A couple of days after the medical I would call the DWP and ask for a copy of the resulting ESA85 ATOS medical report. At that point.. when you get it... you might need some advice here.
  • Yes very sorry for the confusion!!
    I shall keep this thread up and running whilst my dreaded medical approaches.
    I just thought I would ask one more questions before the medical; if I fail at the medical do they stop my money immediately!!??
    I've got a phone call today coming from my GP, and I will be asking her to refer me back to adult mental health services so I have some support whilst this is going on.
    Many thanks everybody; sorry for being a pain!!
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