03 May 2018

A question about : Becoming an IFA or Paraplanner

Dear all,

I have spent the last year studying the CII Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning, DipPFS, which I completed in November 2014. However, I am having problems trying to get a job in this field and starting to feel that I have wasted my time and money. Any advice from people in this area would be much appreciated.

I am in my mid 30s and spent 15yrs in the City working in trading and sales. My role involved spending large amounts of time in one of our offices abroad therefore after giving birth to my son in 2013 I decided not to return and retrained in the hopes of getting a local, part time IFA or Paraplanner role as I would like to stay in finance.

Despite gaining the DipPFS and now studying for AF3, I am struggling to get my foot in the door with a firm. I have applied for over 80 roles, those who have replied have said my lack of experience and bank of clients was the reason for me not getting to interview stage. I have received positive comments regarding my career history. I have also written to lots of local firms looking for an opening, to no avail.

I wondered whether it would be better to study for one of the APMI qualifications as this might open me up to pension admin roles however I don't want to spend money and time studying if it won't get me anywhere.

Any advice/thoughts would be most helpful and gratefully received. I don't know anyone in this field so finding it hard to understand what I could do to improve my chances.

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