02 Mar 2018

A question about : Barclaycard & IF: More lost money

Just off the phone from Barclays, to say I'm livid understates it >title=Frown

4-weeks ago (just before going on hols) I arranged a bal transfer from my new BCard to my IF card. As happened to Finish Rich, as described in his post, this money never arrived.

I rang BCard on Sunday to query this and they said they'd look into it and get back to me.

After no call, I rang on Monday, they said they were still looking suggested I call them on Thursday.

I rang today and was told that they are investigating it & expect to get back to me in two-weeks ! title=Embarrassment

Stating that wasn't good enough I asked to talk to the supervisor I duty. I was told I couldn't, but if I left my details, a supervisor would call me in 24-hours.

By this stage, through gritted teeth, I asked to raise a formal complaint about the matter. So this was duly taken the call ended.

Jeez. Not only did they loose my money (I expect to receive a statement to start paying it back in the next day or so), but having lost it they don't seem in any particular hurry to resolve it. Then when you ask to escalate it, you have to wait at their convenience before anyone will talk to you.

Once this is fixed, I'm tempted to just pay the card off, close it & never do business with Barclays again. It's just a pity there was no real debt on the IF card, otherwise I could have had some satisfaction in recovering these costs from Barclays.

You would hve thought that an organisation the size of Barclays would have some idea on how to do a balance transfer, everyone else I've dealt with has managed it. I think I'l stick with MBNA from now on.

Well, I feel much beetter for that. Spleen vented. title=Wink


Best answers:

  • Strange. Both mine & my wife's BT's went across without a hitch. The money's now nicely tucked away in a 5.5% savings account
  • Turned down for a credit card at the age of 16.
    Unless that's a typo, there's something called legislation that accounts for that.
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