22 Feb 2018

A question about : Apple Finance?

Has anyone used Apple Finance before?

How strict are they with the credit checking?


Sorry if this is wrong board....

Best answers:

  • I'm interested to know this aswell
  • I'll bite. I'd be interested in the answer three!
  • finance by Barclays not easy

    *Finance Application Criteria

    To apply for finance with Barclays Partner Finance you must meet the following criteria:
    You must be over 18 years of age.
    You must be a permanent UK resident.
    You must be in full time employment, unless retired or with a spouse in full time employment.
    You must have a UK bank account capable of accepting Direct Debits.
    Your must be able to submit your phone number.
    The goods must be delivered to your home address.
    The minimum order is Ј500.
  • i got accepted for a mac 2 months ago....... they searched equifax in my case. i had no late payments but 2 searches in the last 6 months .
    although all my cards were maxed out....
    i am pretty certain as there criteria would be different to other members of the barclays group.
    for eg: barclaycard seem to be refusing a lot of applications and cutting down limits. in my case i requested an increase of limit which they refused recently..
    however barclays bank in the mean time have a pre approved offer for a 10k loan in my internet banking session.:confused:
    its all so freakin confusing....................
  • I've just received my new mac today, I bought it using the 10 months 0% option on the Apple website.
    I don't know what my credit score is as I've never checked, but I do have a few credit cards with balances on them, and have a fairly low income so I can't imagine that my credit score is great, I have never missed any payments though, and always pay well over the minimum payment.
  • I was declined
    No reason given.
    Never usually declined for credit, so a bit of a shock. Credit report seems fine - never missed a payment or anything. Oh well.
  • I wanted to get finance on a mac laptop next year as well so this is worth knowing!!!
  • Well I just applied for a Mac Laptop, just because my OH's credit score has been hit alot lately (bank change, new phone contract- 5 credit checks). I felt abit uneasy about this as I got a default from mid 2006, but I have been provisionally accepted
    Well shocked, so I googled about it and that's how I found this thread.
  • Do Apple offer 0% finance?
  • Ok thanks, I need a new Mac book
  • Can I ask anyone who has been 'provisionally accepted' did you then go on and get accepted?
    We have just been provisionally accepted but not sure what happens next? Did they call?
  • My mum has been provsionally accepted too, what happens now as she has never had this before.
  • think i'd rather just save if i wanted one, to easy to get finance, which is why so many people are in debt living outwith their means
  • For my first post i `d thought i would give an update to the process of finance with apple. I ordered a mac book pro 2011 last night online with them at about 21.45pm i was provisionally accepted at that time. I then received a phone call from Barclays finance at 09.15am the following morning to confirm a few security details as in passwords,date of birth and confirmation of address.
    The lady on the phone then said these were security details that the underwriters needed before considering my application. She then stated i would receive an email within 20 minutes with a decision. After about five minutes two emails arrived one stating a decision had been made with a link to the website so i could view it and the other email which was a password to access this link.
    My application was accepted and i then needed to download and print the agreement and send it off to Barclays which was a freepost address. If you haven`t got a printer their is a link to have a copy posted to you. All very efficent so far i will update this post with the length of time it takes to process the order when it all arrives. I hope this is helpful in some way and helps with the understanding of the process.
  • Thanks, todders.
    Yes, that's really helpful.
    I placed an order with Apple on Sunday night at about 9 o' clock, applying to pay by finance. I was provisionally accepted and 20 minutes later received the "Order Acknowledgement" e-mail. That was three days ago and nothing has happened: no e-mail, no security questions, no phone call. I meet all of the criteria for Barclays finance listed by seeya23 above but my credit history is not the best, (not the worst either, but bad enough to make me worry about being declined). I have looked all over on the Apple website and it doesn't tell me anything about the timescale between placing the order and receiving confirmation about approval or decline for finance - it only gives general timescales for what happens after that point - so I haven't known whether I've been approved and am just waiting for documents to arrive in the post or whether I've been declined and they haven't notified me, or what. I checked my spam folder to see whether I missed a reply, but nothing.
    I'm glad you posted here because the fact that you received a phone call from them the next day tells me that there's something wrong and I need to phone them. I'll do that now.
    Thanks, again.
  • I've just got off the phone with Apple, who phoned through to Barclays for me. It seems my application was indeed declined and they simply didn't let me know, so I have waited for two days longer than necessary.
    I hope this is helpful to others who have been left wondering. Todder's experience suggests that they are quick to reply when an application is successful. If it goes on for a couple of days and you hear nothing, it is possible that you have been declined and not notified, so phone them just to check.
  • Hi Hypod sorry to hear you were declined and it seems they should have least contacted you by email or phone to confirm either way. I have`t received any order acknowlegement from apple whatsoever yet by email or post but my order display as under review still. The process seems to vary from person to person with little consistency. Thanks for your kind words about my post and glad it helped you in some way even if it wasn`t the outcome you wanted.
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