22 Feb 2018

A question about : Anyone know anything on (RISE CREDIT CARD)

Hi guys first everpost so bear with me i filled in a application form and got accept for a credit card but the firm who offered it was not someone i had heard of before so i was wondering if any of you guys had heard of them details as follow:

the credit card is a RISE VISA CREDIT CARD

at the bottom of the letter its states

rise is a trading name of R. Raphael & Sons plc. R. Rapael & sons plc is registered in england (1288938). Registered office: Albany courtyard 47-48 piccadilly london W1J OLR. authorised and regulated by the financial services authority (161302)

any ideas or help guys will be well appreciated

Best answers:

  • These people?
  • i have seen this website but i just dont want to finalise and activate the card inless they are proper if you know what i mean
  • I think this explains everything, including the fact why people with no defaults have not heard of them:
    The Balance Transfer Programme...
    could help you reduce your outstanding balance. The account referenced in the letter you received has currently been placed with us for collection. However, we are a different kind of collection company. We want to work with you to resolve your debt and improve your situation.
    Receive the Rise Visa® Credit Card...
  • Raphael also bought the Monument credit card division from Barclaycard a few years back
    They seem to mostly deal in sub-prime credit cards, but they're one of the oldest independent banks in the UK
  • Hi
    They are 'proper', Raphaels Bank used to issue the sub-prime Monument card and have cashpoints at airports and train stations.
    This is just a clever way of collecting defaulted credit accounts.
    Just make sure you read all the facts and figures and know what you're getting in to.
  • Hi Guys I have a Rise Credit card and yes the balance transfer programme is a simple way of you paying off a debt and them collecting on it. After you have paid off that debt which they pay a portion off you will then recieve one of their cards with a two hundred pound credit limit on it.
    This is a good way of improving your credit score and I have checked on my credit file so it does show if you have been using it sensibly. I would advise people who decide to go down this route to be very very sensible and cautious with this card as it really can be expensive if not used wisely, it really is only a way of helping people with a poor credit history improve their credit worthiness and it is genuine, I have had mine now for about Nine months and I pay off the total bill each and every month I find this the best way to manage my finances and low and behold my credit rating has already improved. So good luck and be sensible to those like me who have had a poor credit rating and were refused credit this is a way back but you really do need to be carefull ok.
  • I have this card and it is genuine but is really only designed for those who have had a poor credit history, it a way of helping you improve your credit worthiness and it does work if used in a sensible manner, so good luck and be careful with you finances. p.s it best to pay off the full amount every month as it shows you are serious about managing you finances.
  • Hi carpinmad2010,
    I just got a Rise Card through my post as well.Looks like just the one you mentioned as it also says Raphaells Bank!
    I like the fact that they do not have any late/overlimit or even default fees. I also did a cash transfer (which is same day!) so as of now am happy...am not a big defaulter so I shall just use it for Cash which is cool.
  • hi, I am also accepted for rise. anybody know abt some other cards like rise visa as I am facing obtaining credit at the moment. Thanx.
  • anyone had problems getting through to Rise customer services?
  • Yes i am having the same problems i got a card that i cannot use what is the point ?
  • I've just got a Rise card.
    I have a very bad credit score so I was surprised when I was accepted.
    However, I've learnt my lesson from past mistakes and this card will only be used for emergencies only.
    The pay scale is very high, for example, if you spend between Ј1-Ј100 then you pay back Ј10 plus 10% of the balance. This goes up to Ј20 for Ј101 to Ј200. You get the idea.
    I guess this is where we pay for our past mistakes as if you arent careful, you can easily get into more bother if you make unnecessary purchases. I seriously reccomend it as an emergency card only.
  • Hi, Can anyone tell me how long it took for their card to be issued?.
  • i did mine last thursday, i asked for a 200 pound advance which i got the same day, got the pin number yesterday and the card came this morning, i rang the customer service number to activate and went straight to an advisor(no waiting or tacky tunes lol), they asked the normal security questions and then activated the card, all i gotta do is wait for my statement to come through to see how much my first bill is, hopefully not too much, as said before its for improving your credit so use very very wisely
  • i got one through the post the other day but havent activated or used it cos it says they charge you Ј3.50 a month just for having it, if it doesnt have a balance on it.
    Will i still get charged te Ј3.50 even if i don't activate?
  • I ordered my rise credit card a week ago today and havent received anything! I tried the customer service number and there is an American lady telling me the number is not valid?? Any ideas anybody, please help x
  • I see you said you were going to use the Rise credit card for cash withdrawals only, but i am confused as surely you will be charged a serious amount for taking the cash instead of using it as a normal credit card. I have received a Rise credit card within the past few days with a Ј300 limit, i am only using it for emergencies, petrol etc, i will see how i get on.
  • Can anyone help me? I have bee trying to appl for a rise card but when i get to the last page where yopu sign and accept the next page wont load and keeps saying there is an error, what can i do?
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