11 Jul 2015

A question about : Is anyone good at STAR or willing to look over an application?

I'm finally looking at applying for a promotion - TSO to MB3 (Civil Service) title=Have

I won't be devastated if I don't get it, but I wouldn't mind this job - It's a promotion, very similar to a job I've done before, interesting, and I think I've got some really good examples. I think I'd enjoy it more and be better at it than the job I'm doing now.

I've been fussing over the form since 7 this morning and can't feel my fingers anymore so need to sleep. title=Stick

My application needs to go in on Monday at 4pm, and I'm guaranteed an interview under the two ticks scheme, but I'm still worried about my application.

I know some people that are guaranteed interviews aren't that worried about doing a good application - we don't have to worry that much about scoring well at sift, but I guess for me it's more about making a good first impression for my prospective line manager... and I guess outlining examples I can also use at interview.

I don't really want to post the application here on the open forum, but I'm struggling to fit my examples into the STAR format that's encouraged.

Anyone here mind if I send you a copy of the document (5 examples of 300 words) and you share some feedback (or just rewrite the d*mned thing for metitle=ROTFL)?

Best answers:

  • There's a lot of information, hints and tips on the web about STAR. Why not have a google and see.
    Don't want to seem harsh but you can't expect people to do the work for you - it's a promotion application for goodness sake. Why trust us more than you trust your own skills?
    The thing to remember is that you need to make it about you. What did YOU do... not the team. Don't say 'we', say 'I'.
    For each example, identify the competency you are aiming to cover and make sure you understand what that means to your organisation. Are any behavioural examples mentioned that give you a clue? Are there any examples in recent performance reviews / reports that help?
    Good luck.
  • Hi Tiddly,
    I'm not wanting anyone to do the work for me, but I was hoping to find a critical friend to reassure me that I could stop tweaking it now
    I've got good solid examples, and I've followed the STAR format, but this will be my first attempt at a civil service application, and my first job application in around 4 years... I'm just a little worried I'm rusty.
    I keep going back and changing where the emphasis lies. Switching between trying to demonstrate the skill, behaviour, or relevant area knowledge - it's hard to do all three in 300 words or less and I'm a little close to it to be impartial.
    I'm sorry if you think it was an inappropriate request. I've often offered feedback on applications for friends, and have sent mine to a few for comment, but none of them have experience in the public sector and I was hoping someone here might.
    Still, never mind.
  • Is your dept using the standard Civil Service Competency Framework? If so, does your dept sift just on the competency statement or on the effective behaviors too? All depts operate slightly differently. I'm reluctant to look at five examples for a selection criteria that I'm not familiar with. What dept are we talking about?
    The other issue is, that how you score depends on the standard of the applications. Yours may be a good application in a field of weak candidates, or it may be a ok application in a field of very strong applications. The guaranteed interview scheme is a bit if a red herring, you still need to demonstrate competencies at the minimum acceptable standard.
    I don't know what an MB3 is, is this an EO level post?
  • I thought all Departments now used the same competencies and criteria? I am currently doing an internal promotion exercise and competencies have to be a maximum of 250 words on Civil Service Recruitment website.
    Also those guaranteed an interview are only guaranteed if they meet the minimum criteria ( a score of at least four on each and every competency.)
  • This is the framework we work to: https://resources.civilservice.gov.uk...rk-Feb2013.pdf
    Sift is on job specifics and competencies, 300 words per, STAR format recommend.
    Yes, it's for a level 2 post - EO equiv.
    I was told (by my old line manager) that I'm guaranteed an interview even if my application isn't great (not sure what she was basing it on).
    But, as I said, this is my absolute first attempt at a CS application, so I'm not expecting much - just want to get back into the game as it were. I really don't want my first attempt to be my dream job.
    We recently scrapped assessment centres (thank goodness), so it's a direct application for a job on promotion.
  • I just wanted to thank those lovely people that have PM'd me separately to offer reviewing my application.
    Ive been told I'm not going in completely the wrong direction, so hopefully I'll meet at least the minimum for the job
    Thank you for your advice and perspective.
  • Hi New Shadow.
    I am a sifter and interviewer within the civil service. Unless you are going for a specific role which falls under a technical framework your competencies should be no more than 250 words.
    The biggest advice I can offer is don't get too caught up on STAR. Your opening sentence or two should clearly let your reader know what competency you are referring to and set the scene, i.e. delivering at pace should have some mention of it being time bound/ urgent. The move onto what you did and how you did it ensuring you give clear examples and not statements. Your results should be 5-10% of your word count and should clearly refer to any figures you mentioned at the start.
    I can confirm under the guaranteed interview scheme you will only get an interview if you meet the minimum requirement of at least a 4 on each example (or a 4 on the lead competency if that is the only one being sifted).
    Hope this helps.
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