13 May 2018

A question about : Anybody been employed after getting sacked for gross misconduct.

hiya all,
i was sacked at the beginning of august 2009 for gross misconduct for using 2 swear words.

at the moment i am doing my evening job with the local NHS and doing overtime.i know with the NHS that the overtime will stop sooner than later but was wondering if anybody has got a job since losing there last one through gross misconduct.

cheers stevo.

Best answers:

  • If you are still holding a job and they can give you a good reference you may stand a chance. Tricky though.
    Agencies are less fussy when placing people on temp contracts, if you build up your references and reputation again it would be easier for you to get another permanent job, if this is an option for you.
    It sounds like you are not telling the whole story, or they must be very strict to sack you for swearing, instead of a formal written warning.
    But people do make mistakes and learn from them.
    Good luck.
  • deleted, posted by mistake, sorry.
  • i have never used facebook about my jobs etc. just wanted to know if anybody got a job after geting sacked for gross misconduct not facebook or any other social network sites.
  • If any employer finds out you were dismissed they will want to know why. In your case its a justifiable sacking so you dont have grounds to suceed by explaining you were hard done by.
    A relevent fact is how long you were employed. If its a few months then other references should be fine. If it was years no one will accept years of blank history.
  • Yes I know people who have been employed after losing jobs for gross misconduct.
    Firstly, each company's definition of gross misconduct is different. I certainly would not be hauled up for swearing twice, unless its to a clients face or in their earshot.
    Secondly, and this is worked for all of them (though we are mid-20s), is to find a 'cushion job'. This can be a full time post that you can do easily, for a period of time for a good reference to be provided. Your old company will probably give you a confirmation of dates and position reference. This will account for the time you have spent working there and the good reference from the cushion job will hopefully stand you in good stead.
    Also, a lot of companies will only offer a confirmation of dates and position as an employment reference if you go through the HR department especially if it is a large, faceless corporation with a large amount of staff.
    Hope that helps your worries.
  • It's true that many companies, especially in the public/no-profit sector, no longer give proper references, all scared of come backs.
    However generally they will give factual information, and will disclose disciplinary/dismissals.
  • A number of years ago I was dismissed for GM after a works night out where I had a fall out with the area manager, and told them exactly what I thought of them, I had worked in the place for 8 years.
    At first I was very honest about why I had left my employment, to the point of being offered a position subject to refs, and the interviewer phoned hr to explain situation, who then said I was a risk and offer was withdrawn.
    After a couple of months, I took a chance of not saying why I had left (i was getting desparate) and got a job, 2 years on I was speaking to HR friend who told me they received an impeccable reference from the employer who had dismissed me.
    Kissit - If i was in your particular case I would use the NHS as previous employer reference, and then family professional friend (doctor or something) as second ref
  • I know someone who was in a similar position and the circumstances under which my temp (agency) contract ended were not too good either.
    Basically you look for a job - any job. Look on it as a 'loss leader' if necessary. Agencies and small businesses are a better bet than councils/big organisations. Shamelessly use any contacts. That then becomes your most recent employer. Really, put as much employment distance between you and the one which sacked you.
    The tricky bit comes if you are asked at application stage if you ever had a disciplinary action against you. As in 'ever'. Then comes the tough decision as to whether you are honest.
    Frankly it's a question I have always wondered about, seeing as I used to work for an organisation which seemed to bully and sack people on a whim. I mean even former criminals get second chances don't they...
  • well thanx for everybodies response etc and good words.
    like i said at the moment i am getting loads of ovetime at the nhs but knowing things there it will stop one day but i a hoping to get a full time contract so then it will be happy days.
    but i am hoping to get full time employment elsewhere. i will be puting down the nhs as my latest employer and to be honest i will get a very good reference offf them and as for the other job i will put down that i was dismissed and explain it.blimey 22 years employment and no problems and just 2 swear words which wosen even at a customer, must count for something.
  • what u on about olly?
  • i have been down to the cab about it and acas and now i am just getting my paperwork together and sending it off to ET.
  • Yep, I did, for something pathetic, they wanted shot of me so grasped straws.
    Anyway, no problem at all getting another job.
    Good luck.
  • hope so. chers for that.
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