13 Jul 2016

A question about : Any manchester deals?

For days out with the kids this weekend?

Best answers:

  • Depends what you want to do, your budget, how old your kids are, what they like to do etc and if you have your own transport. Oh and where in Manchester (city centre etc)
    Most kids (in this weather) like Chill Factor E, near the trafford centre - I think they have a deal on at the moment where you meet Father Christmas and then do a snow activity for an hour (tubing etc); you could do spinningfields ice rink (pre bookable online, don't just turn up, you won't get on); footie/sports, 7 christmas markets (they will be hammered), soft play for the young ens.
    If you provide more info, then I can see if there's anything (I get the emails daily).
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