05 May 2018

A question about : Any idea of how to forward my career?

I did a degree in chemistry and got a third class honours. During my course I did a years industrial experience as part of my course. I graduated three years ago. I never have been able to secure a science based position - most of the jobs are controlled via agencies and they seem to be only interested if you have recent experience with one of the analytical techniques.

Since I graduated I've been jobbing - spending most of my time working in a call centre. I believed by showing i am a hard working individual who is willing to adapt i would be able to secure the science position i desire.

From time to time I do get science interviews (when the agency believes they have a chance) - my last one was a month ago and the feedback I recieved from the interview was good (the reason for picking someone else was that they believe they would blend into the team better). One of my major problems is that the agencies will rarely put me forward for these positions - they wont put me forward for jobs requiring little experience or an HND or HNC. This is a view I get from a lot of companies/agencies - they don't want to spend time training a graduate as they will move on (yet I have been loyal to my employers - arghh!!!).

Has anyone else been in this position and how do you figure I go forward so that I can land the science based job I would like? FYI - (I have completed approximately half a Open Uni masters in science)

Best answers:

  • Even though the jobs are controlled by the agencies, could you not approach the companies in person?? I was a manager of a private gym, where we regularly used agencies, however I was always willing to speak to any person that has bothered to come in off the street.
    Failing that ever thought about a teaching career??
  • Contact companies directly and be prepared to take a lower job then one you want. Agencies will only put you forward if they want to...this could be either because they think you have a chance or they are desperate to put people forward for a job. If you are jobbing, then do it in a scientific company and move through the company. The fact that you have had no experience in the last three years in the field you want to move into may not be a good thing, but try directly with the companies or tell them that you are looking to progress a career in x if it gets you in the company....we are all entitled to change our minds....(back to what we originally wanted of course!)
    HTH - be nicely agressive to get the jobs you want....and don't rely on Agencies....
    also see if you can get any 'work experience' in a company....it may be low paid or unpaid....but if it gets you in the door.
    oh yes, join a science group if there is one....so that you can go to 'networking' type places.....also mention to any friends/family etc that you are looking for a job in x field and if they hear of anything to let you know....
  • Can you try for lower-level science jobs?? Lab techs etc?? Pay would be poor, but you would be in right industry and could try to work your way-up.
    I feel for you, as with a 3rd, your overqualified for some jobs, but they are likely to prefer someone with a first or 2:1 for graduate postitions.
    Keep going, with determination you'll get there one day!
  • Thanks for helping folks!!
    I would love a lab tech job (they pay quite well and it is easy to see how I could pick up skills that are transferrable) but unfortunately can't get one of those either.
    I think a mailshot with a good cover letter may be an idea - I have found most companies do rely totally on their recruitment agencies.
  • I'm in the same situation as yourself. I graduated last year with a 2.1 in English and have had to settle for an admin job where I'm only making Ј700 a month after tax. I've applied for numerous jobs but with no luck. The better paid jobs want look for experience but its impossible to get your foot in the door. It's disheartening but keep on trying!
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