19 May 2015

A question about : Answer a Question, Ask a Question

As the title says, answer the previous posters question then ask one. I have no question to answer but will start the ball rolling.

What is your favourite film?

Best answers:

  • I have many but mine is probably E.t.
    Who is the best film director?
  • Prawn Marie Rose
    Who shot J.R.?
  • Bing Crosby's daughter
    How much is the fish?
  • Indira Gandhi.
    What took you so long?
  • The bus broke down
    Why is the sky blue?
  • It's God's favourite colour.
    Why was my appointment cancelled today?
  • It was a survival technique, they are actually carnivores who adapted to the food source available to the area. And they aren't bears.
    Will I be well enough to go to work tomorrow?
  • Doubtful, have a duvet day
    What's the best cure for a headache?
  • Collecting Car number plates or Train spotting?
  • Trainspotting
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