28 Feb 2018

A question about : Amazon marketplace and credit cards

I purchased abrand new iPhone in March 2013 via Amazon Marketplace. In November 2014 the phone had a problem and I took it to an Apple Store. I was told it has three separate serial numbers (i.e. it is three different phones put together). I have tried to pursue it via the seller on the advice of CAB, but he has conveniently disappeared. The bank tell me that credit card protection is not valid because it is a three way contact because Amazon are involved. Amazon refuse to get involved because they say it IS a direct contract with the seller and nothing to do with them. Ironically if I had bought it directly with the seller by credit card without the protection of Amazon I would be covered. Do I have a right to pursue it with Amazon? Thanks in advance.

Best answers:

  • I'd keep pursuing it through Amazon, as they should have the registered details of the seller. Until you get those details you can't claim anything.
    You have been sold a "fake" device, well, one that's not as described anyway. I'd keep pursuing it with Amazon.
  • I pursued Amazon for about two months before they finally gave me the seller's address and email. He responded to my emails and told me I could try to take him to court. I pursued it with Citizen's Advice who told me how to make a claim through the small claims court and to send him a registered letter but he refused (I assume) to accept the letter. I saw other complaints about him. More than anything I'm annoyed at Amazon's attitude. I buy loads of stuff from them but it's a real lesson not to ever buy anything through their marketplace again.
  • You can try to take him to court, and you will probably win. He's thinking you're making an empty threat.
  • Incidentally I refuse to buy from Amazon marketplace if the address of the seller is not clearly listed.
  • There will come a time when Amazon will have to take more responsibility (whether that's a good thing or not).
    "Facilitator liability" is all the rage these days.
  • Thanks. The letter was sent with proof of postage (rather than registered) but there is no proof of it being received. He has either left that address or is refusing to accept any post there. I saw another complaint about a camera not being new before he stopped trading on Amazon. As much as anything my annoyance is with Amazon. Whilst they can't be responsible for every trader, they shouldn't just be allowed to wash their hands of any problems. It is Amazon being involved in the first place which stops me being protected by my credit card. A lesson learned I suppose but I will definitely look into the on line claim. Thanks everyone.
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