23 Mar 2017

A question about : Amazon

I bought goods from Amazon about 10 days ago. When I checked my account this morning payment had been taken again yesterday. The problem is that put me over my authorised overdraft limit. I rang them this morning and they admitted it was their fault and was a known tecnical error. They arranged a refund and advised it would be 3-5 working days before the refund goes back into my account. That means for a week I will be racking up unauthorised overdraft charges. I pointed this out to them and asked if I send in proof of thr charges and a bank statement to show it was purely the result of their error that I had incurred charges would they refund. I was shocked when they said no. All I was entitled to was a refund of the incorrect payment. I escalated to a supervisor who insulted me by offering Ј10 off my next purchase. I pointed out that wouldn't even cover 1 days charges let alone 7 days. After threatning finncial ombudsman etc. she said if I send proof in they will consider it. but wouldn't commit to a yes so I think they will try and get out of it. Have I got the right to insist on those charges being paid. I think it very unfair that I should be out of pocket through their mistake

Best answers:

  • Don't think you will get very far with the financial ombudsman - they can only deal with financial services, which this is not.
  • Can they investigate a foreign company? Amazon EU Sarl is in Luxembourg.
  • financial ombudsman was just a spur of the moment threat .I don't really know who if anyone I can escalate to. I just really need to know if legally they are responsible for my bank charges incurred through their error.My bank charges Ј15 per day for unauthorised overdraft, so if it takes the maximum of 5 working days for the refund to arrive, that will be 7 calendar days so potentially Ј105 out of pocket through no fault of my own but entirely due to their error. I'm on a pretty low wage as it is and just can't afford to lose that amount of money
  • Have you tried speaking to your bank to see if they will reverse/waive the bank charges? My bank were willing to do it for me when a company took a payment twice from my billing account.
    If they are willing, it will likely be the easiest solution. Or whether they're willing to suspend the charges temporarily to give the refund time to process.
  • They are liable for any costs incurred by mistakenly taking money from your account without authorisation.
  • Once you know what your final losses are, give Amazon a chance to pay them....then go here
  • I would have reported it to my bank as an authorised transaction. Something that Amazon appears to have admitted.
    Giving a company authorisation to take one payment doesn't give them authorisation to dip their sticky paws in to your bank account as and when their faulty computer system chooses. Unless they've craftily signed you up to a CPA.
    Isn't Chargeback possible for duplicate payments of this type?
  • Speak to your bank and request that they refuse the payment as unauthorised. This way you will have no fees to pay.
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