04 Nov 2016

A question about : Am I entitled to more than one claim?

Hi, anyone who can help me with this I would be grateful. I have recently claimed compensation for myself and my partner after our flight was delayed 15 hours from New York to Heathrow, this was surprisingly easy to do and British Airways paid up instantly which I am obviously pleased about. However, we had a connecting flight from Heatrow to Manchester which, due to this delay, we missed. The airline did put us up in a hotel and arranged another flight (for the next morning) but i'm curious whether we may be entitled to something else for this flight? We got home nearly 2 days late due to this. Thanks in advance for anyone who has any info.

Best answers:

  • You had one journey from New York to Manchester via London, due to the delay of the first flight they rebooked your connecting flight. Unless that was also delayed by more than 3 hours by circumstances beyond their control, you have a single claim which you say has been paid. Isn't 600 Euros enough?
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