23 Feb 2016

A question about : All the small things

Over the past few weeks i have been noticing more and more in diary threads the frustration people are feeling trying to find overpayments when so many prices are squeezing our budgets.

We've done the big stuff, sold our unwanted things, changed suppliers, slimmed the budget, but we still don't feel it is enough.

I'm exactly the same, and have done more than my fair share of whinging since Christmas on my diary without thinking through the bigger picture.

Well i just wanted to say i think we are all doing a great job, and we should celebrate each and every little thing we are doing. We might not realise it but we are all doing something every day that brings the MFW date that little nearer.

(Just removed my own personal stuff, but I think you all got the gist anyhow)

Best answers:

  • Thanks for posting this
    Today I have:
  • taken my own lunch to work
  • was invited to Mums for tea so didn't have to cook - plus great company
  • done some surveys
  • played bingoport
  • played free tiki game on jp joy
  • not been to Mr T's to buy biscuits, even though I was tempted to
  • not switched the heating on as soon as I got up this morning - it was warm enough and i'm not really in long enough to warrant having it on (unless it's freezing of course!)
  • Erm, think that's it for today

  • I've just done another T0luna survey, first one in a month! It wasn't that dull either, think I must have just had a bad run. Will do another tomorrow
    Also been to lidl and stocked up on bargains
    Went to my old work and got the battery replaced in my heart rate monitor for free
  • I like the thread cha97michelle.
    Small contribution from me, (should this have gone in my diary instead?)
  • Applied for a 0% credit card to stooze
  • Ate Cereal at work for lunch
  • Bought end of day reduced salad for lunch for tomorrow
  • A little bit of matched betting
  • Cheers!

  • Posting on my iPod so please forgive me if my typing is even worse than normal!
    Today I have
    - done a phone call mystery shop that paid 6 euros
    - accepted an extra weekend shift for tomorrow as someone is off sick
    - booked three mystery shops for Monday, all in an area I was visiting anyway
    - persuaded hubby that he did not need a takeaway to cure his man flu!
    - used some medication I got on a mystery shop earlier in the week!
    Phew that's quite a lot for me!
    Cha loving this new thread, should help us all keep motivated.
    I need to start writing reviews, where do I start please?
    TPA x
  • Great thread Michelle. i think you it is a good idea to keep track of the small things as they really do make a difference over time......my list is a bit measly beside yours but here goes
  • only put the heating on in the rooms we were using which was 2 radiators and switched the rest off
  • went about like a nutter all day turning off lights and all the appliances at the plug...oh wets himself at this one
  • made a lovely dinner of tesco finest chickenn breasts in mushroom sauce which was a whoopsie at 71p...complete bargain and tasted gorgeous.
  • Didnt go anywhere in the car today so no money spent on Diesel
  • Bought a kettle 14 months ago at over Ј50 which is dodgy and doesnt swithch off when the water has boiled but obviously out of warranty....phoned the manufacturer anyway and they said to send it back to them and if there was a fault they would replace it out of goodwill
  • Bidding on work trousers on ebay at a fraction of the price that they cost new
  • Bought DD1 and DD2 swing set and slide off gumtree for their joint birthday in a couple of weeks...cost Ј40 altogether and they are deligted
  • Think thats it for now...hope i have more to add tomorrow

  • This is a great idea Michelle. I often frequent the daily small things thread on DFW as it is a lovely community and a good source of tips - makes you think about and helps you identify small steps you can take. I encourage other MFWs to at least browse a few of the daily small things DFW threads for some interesting tips.
    Mine for today:
    * spent morning in library to keep warm, saving gas and elec at home
    * despite being freezing didn't put heating on until around 17.30 (put woolly hat on instead )
    * joined dooyoo, wrote some reviews
    * did toluna (only a few little bits), ipsos and VO surveys
    * did daily RM posting data entry
    * checked several jobsites
    * all meals from stores for DH and I (I am getting up earlier to cook him brekkie than when I had a job! ) I am hoping that making him lunches and brekkie will really pay off as it will stop him spending money on petrol station food
    * checked payment had gone through to cashback CC
    * had an NSD
  • Today I have :
    Saved Ј10 on dry cleaning special offer - and won't pay for it until after payday
    Wrapped up a lovely scarf and gloves that I was given for Christmas but really don't need as a birthday gift for a friend.
    Off on a 3 day break tomorrow so no posts - but I will let you know what little things I have done on Wednesday!
    Squirrel x
  • sent the little ones to grandmas so I can spend some time doing MSEing instead of feeding and nappies
  • Love the thread Michelle.
    I haven't done anything MF today except have a no spend day, which is good I suppose.
  • I have put my washing on airers instead of the dryer, made onion and leek soup in the slow cooker, and ordered 9 dvd's for DD's birthday in July for a total cost of Ј9.36 including delivery from the grabbit board.
    i'm now going to check the survey sites for any new ones and TCB incase anything new has been confirmed.
  • Today I am giving myself a virtual boot up the bum... I have 7 days until payday and start of new budget.
    Mum sent over a dish of fresh/raw lasagne to be cooked for tea so cheap meal as I will just wedge up some potatoes whichare out final lot from the winter tattie planters.
    made up a huge pot of SC bolognese yesterday so planning on portioning and freezing it up and adding kidney beans and chilli to some of it to make a rough chili con carne type dish. I also have a foil lasagne dish so might even stretch out to a lasagne for freezer..
  • Great thread
    **ahem** nothing mfw here today, been shopping. Will be back with some goodness tomorrow or Monday
  • Im not quite in the same position as all of you but I have a mortgage to repay all the same. We took out our mortgage 4 and a half years ago and it was Ј76,000. However, we took it out over a term of 9 years to repay it quickly. My husband has been in and out of work for the last two years but the mortgage is down to Ј35,000 ish. Currently, we are overpaying my wages and living on my husband's. I have beeen made redundant and been compulsarily retired as from the end of March. Because of our shaky work prospects I have opted for the largest lump sum on my pension and that, with my redundancy money is going to be put in a savings account and the mortgage is going to be overpaid each month from that amount. The house needs doing up but we will then be able to cancel the life insurance on the mortgage (as we will have the means to repay it if need be), so less outgoings per month and we will use his wages to save for the renovations.
    i have just bought a pair of new glasses from Vision Express and got 900 Sainsburys Nectar points so that is a saving on my shopping.
    This is the first time ever that we will be in a secure position with regard to the house and it feels great, so you are all doing the right thing for that peace of mind you get that the roof over your head is safe and all yours.
  • Sorry noticed the thread title says what you have done 'today' so my comment is in the wrong place.
  • Interesting to read other threads :-)
    Me? Today I have:
    - Continued to mark exam questions - piece rate but its boring as hell....but I keep thinking of the money inbetween coming on here!
    - Sent OH to *walk* and get bread and milk instead of driving which he would usually have done telling him he can put the Ј1 petrol in the mortgage pig instead! (he came home and put his change in the pig which I will settle for!)
    Now back to the exam marking......zzzzzzz
  • Today:
    Got given a belated Christmas present and I'm earmarking to take a small amount off the mortgage - only a tenner but if I put in a tenner a day, it would make a HUGE difference. Great thread though
  • This thread is a nice idea. It also reminded me that I took my lunch in to work every day last week except Tuesday when I was on a training course and lunch was provided... yippee!
    Was feeling a bit bad because I have splurged on choccie and coffees this week, but taking my lunch in is saves a lot more than I spent on treats, so that's cheered me up no end! Thanks Michelle!!
  • I have had a packed lunch at work all week
  • Hi all, hope you don't mind me joining. I am a d&mfw, hopefully within 10 years.
    Today I went to lunch with mom, she paid, so that's my main d&mfw thing I've done today.
    Since I realised the error of my ways and started paying down my debt, I have managed to reduce my electric bills, repair clothes rather than chucking and buying new, reduced my food wastage and now I don't so much go shopping as foraging! First stop in the supermarket is the cold shelf where I can get the days whoopsies, sandwiches for 29p, fruite salads 35p. Next stop the fruit n veg table, then the bread cage. On to the dairy/meat whoopsie fridge then the whoopsie freezer and finally the damaged tinned stuff shelf. Last week I got 6 sausages for 25p and 6 finger rolls for 35p so 2 large meals for 70p (I had 3 each night because of them going off).
    I used my Morrisons Miles vouchers to bulk buy toilet roll and cat food prior to the rise in VAT. It only saved me about 60p but I have enough toilet roll to last till November this year and cat food till end of March.
    Oh something I can do today, and anyone else who is with British Gas, register for the Nectar points they're offering.
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