04 May 2018

A question about : Agency Photos

Hi all,

I have recently taken voluntary redundancy after being with my previous employer for ten years so I haven't been a job seeker for sometime and I was wondering if what I experienced last week was usual now.

I made appointments to register with some local agencies and one was very insistent (to the point of being quite pushy) on taking a photo of me. I declined (politely but quite firmly in the end) but the lady seemed very put out.

They said it was for their database only. This was just a standard agency, no specialised areas where this would - in my experience -usually be expected.

Is this normal practice nowadays? (hark at nana, 'nowadays'!) I wondered if it was just me, but it did seem strange.

Any advice out there from you helpful people on job seeking after ten years with the same employer? It's going to be a big change, but when the opportunity for VR came up I thought it was time to be brave!

Daisy x

Best answers:

  • It may be for them to remember you by but I have never had my photo take at any agency and prob would decline also.
    If they have met you then they should know if you are presentable etc so I see no need for it.
    I was made redundant after 5 years at same employer. Only got statutory redundancy (4 weeks money as was 2 weeks short of 5 years) and a month in lieu of notice and 4 days actual notice to leave. Was a bit of a shock.
    Having a very hard time getting interviews.
  • It is standard practice to ask for, and take copies of, photo ID as this is required to cover them legally. However, I have never come across an agency that insists on taking the photo themselves as it would not be useable as a form of ID if required by a govt. Agency.
  • I had my picture taken when I started the last assignment, that was recent, by the r/agent can't blame them, I think I know why
    Always in finance/accounts it has been my experience that you'll have a pic taken
  • I had taken my passport and proof of my NI number, I was expecting that as of course they have to verify who you are and your right to work here. No problem with that at all. They wanted a separate photo of me taken on their own digital camera.
    I just found it a bit weird, and hadn't come across it before.
    I've generally found the local agencies not to be great but I have only seen a couple so far. I work in mid-management and I'm finding that a lot of the agencies where I am seem to cater for retail, manual and junior office work. One or two have been positive about my cv etc but said they think I'm over qualified for the roles they have on their books.I am going to start taking a look around online agencies - any recommendations?
  • It just seems like the agency are covering their all angles and being rightfully cautious when signing up new workers...Passports can be forged but photos taken in situ can't.
    Or as trukdiver has posted above just simply so they can put a face to a name.
  • Our agency has never taken photographs to people registering. If we receive CVs with photos on, the photo gets removed/binned straight away. I suppose its to stop consultants making a snap judgement on someone's suitability based on their looks. it seems to be a European thing, most European (particularly eastern European) CVs we receive have a scanned photo in the top corner.
    By law, recruitment agencies must prove eligibility to work in the UK, this is done by taking a photocopy of a UK/EU passport. Other than agencies that specialise in Acting or modelling work, I cant think of a valid reason why they would require a photo, other than maybe to prove that you had visited their office to register
  • The only times I have seen with photos included are when hiring actors or voiceover artists or when I needed a couple of attractive staff to work on a exhibition stand for a week.
    Normally they are sent in with cvs they are removed along with names by HR.
  • Agencies do not need a photo to register with them. If they insist then they are being a pain in the A** and should be avoided like the plague.
    Nearly all agencies in my view should be avoided liked the plague in any case
  • I always thought photos on a CV were a big no no, I've certainly never seen any when I've hired people. I can understand if your looks are relevant to the job (models, etc.). That's why I was so surprised. They registered me anyway but I could tell they weren't very pleased that I'd said no.
    It just left a bit if a bad taste really - I couldn't see any reason for it unless they/the clients are judging on looks which they shouldn't be. I'm just a normal (I hate that word! Maybe ordinary is better) looking professional person in case anyone wonders if I'm particularly distinctive or unusual looking, not that it should matter either way! I'm looking for office work, so I just can't see why a photo was needed but I did wonder if I was just behind the times and this was standard now!
  • I do wonder if it is to do with their ID checking process.
    My last agency I never met in person, they asked me to email them a scan of my passport. Never actually read the governmental requirements in detail but with them having never checked the photo on my ID looks anything like me then they may be on thin ice should I actually have provided them with a scan of someone else's ID given they never did any visual checks.
    Wonder if by having a photo on file it means they can accept future ID remotely but be able to say that they can confirm its you as they have your pic on file taken by them
  • I had my photo taken when I was working for an events agency as a football steward, which was fair enough, but never had one taken with any other agency
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