05 May 2018

A question about : Agency advice please

I signed on with an agency this week, filled in all the paperwork and had an induction, basic stuff really. Anyway, then started the next day.

End of first shift get a call from a third party pay roll company, who will be sorting out my pay. So I check with agency, they confirm its correct. I call third party pay roll back, they inform me they will be processing my pay slip and charging me 8 percent of my gross weekly wage I ask about holiday pay, they tell me I will not get any, nor ever accrue any.At no time did agency inform me I would be dealt with by a third party, despite taking all my details

My questions:

Is this legal
And has anyone else experienced it

Best answers:

  • It's called an umbrella scheme.
    Roughly, you are 30 percent worse off than PAYE.
    If the temp job pays Ј6.50ph on umbrella, then its equivalent on PAYE would be approx Ј4.55ph.
    Umbrella schemes are good for a very small minority of the workforce and I can assure you that if you were one of them you would have been on one for years.
    They are also a very good way for employment business's to increase their profits through the exploitation of an unsophisticated workforce.
    First, do a Google on the difference between an employment business and an employment agency. You are most certainly working for an employment business.
    Then do a Google on umbrella scheme. To cut through the hype that infests Google by those with a vested interest, you might want to inclue keywords like 'scam', 'unfair', 'exploited' etc etc.
  • Thanks for the replies:
    I don't mind companies making money, but charging Ј22 per week to process my wages and never allowing me to accrue holiday pay and not informing me of this at interview/induction, just scream exploitation and dishonesty to me.
    Its a poor show and not the way to have a happy and dedicated work force
  • I am not a greedy chap at all, as I say I don't mind companies making money, but outsourcing wages and charging a hefty fee on a "service" you have to use, seems very shady and not conductive to engaging staff to stay very long term
  • You say that but if there was an IT problem, would you go without sleep for x days to solve it, even for the Ј11k pw? Not sure I would sacrifice my welfare for that lad.
  • To add:
    The Ј22 "fee" for the "services" "provided" is the 8 percent on a gross wage of Ј280 per week.
    On Wayne Rooney's gross wage of Ј300000 per week, the third party payroll company would charge him Ј24000 to "process" his wages
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