06 May 2018

A question about : advice on misconduct

Hi need some help with gross misconduct at work over not sitting down when being spoken to by management??
Have just been suspended from work following investigation from hr. for not sitting on a chair after 10 hours driving job.

Best answers:

  • Can you elaborate on what happened, I'm assuming it is not as simple as stated in your OP? How long have you worked there?
  • If someone in a situation like that asks you to do something as simple as that, it's not usually worth getting into a power struggle over. Did you ask if you could have a break prior to the meeting, to take account of your circumstances?
  • ok the rest of the story is just returned to depot had a drivers meeting where we were told how well we did for the company in 2014, and thanked us all for our input hence the 2.25% pay rise.
    after meeting I was then taken aside and given several parking tickets to my horror. have been doing the round for nearly a year with no tickets and now got eight in the last two months. was told hr has paid and will be coming out of my wages. was a little upset at this and decided to stand up for the rest of the convocation, at which point I was told to sit down. I refused as ihad been on the road over 10 hours and wished to stand. at which point the transport manager left and got the depot manager. who came to see me and simply just asked me am I disobeying a order to sit down, my reply was yes so he said right I am suspended on gross misconduct from now pending further investigation. ps had car accident last year and accident in back off truck was not asked by neither of them if I was ok did my knees hurt or anything.
  • oh I have worked there for just over a year was agency 6 months prior and fell out back of truck due to not have proper ppe gear requested.
  • It sounds like aggressive and possibly threatening behaviour, rather than 'not sitting down'.
  • How can you have received 8 parking tickets in two months but know nothing about them?
  • If you're not prepared to be a little more co-operative with your employer I would think a P45 will be their next communication with you.
  • just received letter from employer grounds of aggressive behaviour and threating manner towards my manager pending further investigations
  • of which there was none towards him, upset like any normal person would be receiving them all at once. has hr been saving them and why?
  • You do come across as quite aggressive in your manner. Are you sure this is not why they are disciplining you?
  • Is your real name 'Alexander Philo '? It's not advisable to use your own name to post in online forums concerning a disciplinary issue such as this.
  • So, what actually happened is that you have less than two years employment, so dismissal for almost anything would be quite within the realms of possibility. You were asked about parking tickets which it is suggested accrued during your use of the truck (And thus being your responsibility to pay them), and instead of putting a reasonable discussion about these matters, you got "upset" and refused to sit down. Your rationale about your accidents have no bearing on this and are excuses you have thought up after the event, having realised that refusing to obey not one manager, but two managers is probably not going to go down even remotely well, and you are on the way to picking up your P45 (probably with a deduction from final pay for the parking tickets). I suppose the "upset" also involved being loudly upset?
    There is only one piece of advice that can possibly work - do not fight back, do not claim that it is all their fault, do not start blaming it all on your bad back and their alleged failure to ask after your health (which will almost certainly get you dismissed). Grovel. Say you are very sorry. It will never happen again. You have no idea what came over you but it isn't how you would wish to be seen - it is uncharacteristic. And grovel again. If you are very lucky you may come out with a job. Any other reaction almost certainly means that you won't.
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