23 Sep 2016

A question about : advice on getting ducks please

Ok so we're after some ducks. Have read quite a bit but have a few questions.
The chicken house we're getting holds between 4-6 ducks. we're after 4 ducks. Is it good to have at least 1 male in the pack? We have read that you have to have a high ratio of female ducks to male ducks. The best breeds we have read to go for for first time owners are, runner ducks, Campbell Duck and aylesbury can anyone suggest any others.
At the moment we have seen some runner ducks and the owner has 2 males and 2 females, 3 are 2014 hatch and 1 2013.
Do you have to keep them locked up in there house for a certain period in the beginig like chickens so they know where there home is?
any help and advice would be much appreciated

Best answers:

  • Hi Paul
    Sorry don't know too much about ducks as we have only ever kept chickens. But, having a few friends with ducks the one thing they said was not to let them out before 9.00am or they will just lay their eggs in the pond! Also, unlike chickens, they do not put themselves to bed (ready for you to lock up) but have to be rounded-up. I think it was also mentioned one male only.
    Don't quote me on the above as am sure someone more knowledgeable will come along soon.
    The Indian Runners do seem to be the most popular, they remind me of wine bottle on legs!
    Best of luck.
  • You don't need a male unless you want to have chicks. You do need a high ratio of female to male, minimum I'd say of three girls to one drake. I would suggest you only have one drake or you're gonna need a lot of females. Even with a high ratio of females, you might find that two drakes favour one girl, who will have her life tormented.
    Things to consider
    Ducks are very messy. Much messier than chickens. Ducks poop loads! I house my ducks every night to keep them safe so I use a lot of bedding. Do you know how you will dispose of your waste bedding?
    Ducks will turn their area into mud.
    Ideally they need a pond.
    They also need a supply of fresh water to dunk their heads into. I use washing up bowls. Do you have a fresh water supply nearby or will you have to carry watering cans to and from?
    Runners are funny to watch but can be skittish. Call ducks are cute as hell but are flighty so need their wing clipped. They also in my experience good escape artists so need a secure area.
    The bigger the duck, the bigger the poop and mess created.
    Hope this helps.
  • I kept Khaki Campbells and an Aylesbury for several years and they make fantastic pets.
    You only need a male duck if you are looking to breed them as females will lay edible eggs regardless of whether there is a male in the group.
    As for locking them up in the beginning, that depends on the size of their enclosure as extended periods of being locked in a small area will cause stress. If you always feed their layers pellets in their enclosure then they will know that is where their home is.
    Something very important to consider is their diet. Ducks need a layer pellet feed which has a protein content of 16-18% and a calcium content of 2-3% plus mixed corn as a treat, grit for their gizzard which will also contain calcium for their egg shells and fresh vegetables a treats (round lettuce - not iceberg, sweet corn, peas etc). Many commercial chicken feeds are only 15% protein which is not enough so check the ingredients before you buy any layers pellets.
    Also bear in mind that ducks which produce a high yield of eggs (such as Khaki Campbells) have a reduced life span due to the strain on their body of producing so many eggs.
    Finally, you will need an easy to clean pond. Some people say some breeds don't need a pond a much as others but they all do for keeping their feathers in good condition and for entertainment.
    If you have any other questions, I would be more than happy to answer them!
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