23 Jun 2016

A question about : Add your feedback on energy supplier Scottish Power

This is a feedback thread on energy supplier

Scottish Power

Please share your experience with other MoneySavers. Click reply to take part
Did you switch go smoothly?
Have you had problems since?
Is it easy to contact?
The feedback comes as part of the

Cheap Energy Club

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Best answers:

  • Switches to and from Scottish Power went quite smoothly.
    One issue when switching away is to note that that any refund of accrued credit is paid by cheque.
    Not sure if this is a good or a bad thing - at least you know when you have received it, but you do need to go to the bank to deposit it which can mean another 6 working days to fully clear (not that it is likely to bounce, but still 4 working days to access)
    Also, oddly, despite me giving the same meter reading to both the new supplier and the old supplier on the date I left SP, SP actually billed me to a lower reading for some reason (the new supplier used the reading I provided)
    I called SP to alert them to the difference, but they just said "oh well you got a bit of free energy - we won't bother changing things now"
    When I did joiun SP, I originally switched one fuel and later switched the other (so making it dual fuel) to another tariff. Their system didn't seem able to cope with this and it needed some behind the scenes fiddling at their end to allow - essentially they held me on the original tariff until the second fuel switched then backdated things. You need to trust they will do what they promise, but it all worked out ok for me in the end
    They are easy to contact, but beware they may keep you holding on the line a long time for which they charge you (alternative freephone number is available from saynoto0870)
    Alternatively they offer a call back service at their expense, calling you back when they are free ... but will you be by that time?
  • I switched to Scottish Power last year from British Gas. I was happy with British Gas but at the end of the day I will switch if prices are cheaper elsewhere (except for nPower who I can't stand). I own a few properties and I switched all of them. They all went smoothly more or less. The frustrating thing was that they kept switching my tariff from an online saver to standard one because apparently they couldn't get hold of me by e-mail which was nonsense. Because I wasn't clicking on links in their e-mail often enough they did this. I recall making several phone calls getting the tariff switched back for all the properties to which they always apologised. Still, it was a pointless inconvenience.
    Other than that I haven't had any problems with Scottish Power since per se, however I do miss British Gas. Their online account system is far more up to date and user friendly, and their customer service is more helpful and you can get through to them much quicker. Also because British Gas doesn't have antiquated systems, I never received any hassle about how often I was logging in.
    I will leave Scottish Power as soon as there are cheaper tariffs out there and my fixed deal is up.
  • ok switched, lets see what happens
  • Switched to Scottish Power middle of October 2012.
    So far so good.
  • I have never had any major problems with SP. Easy to contact via email, phone or twitter. Their online service is great and the tariff i chose last year was very cheap. Alas it ends in May
  • 1) Scottish Power habitually increase your Direct Debit to a level that ENSURES that your account is ALWAYS in credit by a significant amount.
    Monthly payment budget accounts should balance credit and debit balances throughout the year, so that your average balance is close to Ј0, NOT so that the MINIMUM balance is a credit of several hundred pounds. At the end of the high consumption period (eg May), your balance should be negative by between a quarter and a half of your annual consumption.
    Can the Scottish Power Company Representative please post here to explain why this is. Please do not post garbage which tries to justify that this is in the customer's benefit.
    2) Their website is almost always broken at weekends.
    3) Online tariff changes magically do not work for several weeks before a cheap rate is due to end.
  • I switched from BG to SP in November and have had no problems whatsoever.
    The switchover was smooth and easy, DD stayed more or less the same and I found the whole processes to be stress free.
    So far so good in my book.
    HP x
  • I switched to SP 2-3 years ago, a smooth process and service has been pretty good with only one major power outage not of SP's making.
    They have a call-back service which I've just tested and they kept to their timing via a polite and pleasant operative.
    However, I've just joined the Cheap Energy Club and I see that the deal I've been offered is not included in their list (well, I think it's not but focusing is not my strong suit):
    Online Fixed Price Energy September 2014.
  • I switched back to SP from Ovo. Everything went smoothly except trying to get the extra cashback going via moneysavingexpert. I took this up with SP and they paid it to me themselves.
    In my opinion they are one of the best companys to transfer to. The only gripe I have is still not able to view my dd forecast online.
  • We value all feedback both positive and negative. If there is a particular issue that you want us to investigate, please e-mail onlinecomplaints@scottishpower.com Thanks David
  • Hi David,
    I'm looking to switch from British Gas but have recently had Smart Meters fitted - would this be a problem?
  • I know it's not just Scottish power but I was going to ring them tonight to ask a question, but then noticed the two numbers...
    An 0800 number - only for new customers
    An 0845 number - for existing customers
    Basically it says to me, WE GOT YOU NOW, PAY TO CONTACT US
    Now I have to wait for an email reply instead
    As my tariff ends at the end of March, and the question was regarding changing to another Scottish Power tarif, lets hope they don't take too long to reply.
    In their defence I haven't had any problems with them in the 13 months I have been a customer with Scottish Power.
  • From my post above:
  • Currently with BG and have joined the Energy Saving Club to look for a cheaper deal. Scottish Power is the cheapest - however, I won't be signing up with them. Been with them before and had terrible service. This very point clarifies that if a customer receives bad service, it is likely that they will go elsewhere, even if it costs a few quid more.
    Reading the recent forums it appears that little has changed at S.P. with customers having to spend time correcting administrative errors & spending unreasonable amounts of time on the telephone to get their problem resolved. Unless the feedback and blogs report DRASTIC improvements, I for one won't be signing up.
    (thought for the day - at the inception of the direct debit scheme and payment of wages to the banking industry, coupled with the use of plastic money - we all had to become mental accountants)
  • Leaving SP was for me a nighmare. They said they wouldn't raise the price as I was leaving but billed me the higher price nevertheless. Doesn't matter to me as I got them to reissue final bills but it does bother me that others who don't check or understand these things will pay more than they should.
    People who answer email at SP often don't seem to understand the question asked and will simply reply with some cut and paste answer that is irrelevant.
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