28 Mar 2016

A question about : Abbey debit card daily withdrawal limit

I want to use my Abbey debit card to pay 10K into my Egg savings account.

Egg's site says:

"You can add Switch, Solo and Delta card details to your accounts address book, and you can pay in up to Ј10,000 per day, although this limit depends on your bank's authorisation limit."

I have asked Abbey twice but they do not know what I am talking about (once referrring to Ј500 limit cash withdrawal - not the case and secondly saying there is no limit).

I could try it to find out but knowing my luck there's probably some hidden charge for doing this although egg say it's free.

For those that pay into their egg saving account using debit card, is there any charge from Abbey (or the other bank if not Abbey) and what are the daily limits?

Best answers:

  • I think with debit cards, theoretically, there is no limit (I'm sure there is one but.......).
    I think the way debit cards work is that you can pay whatever is covered by cleared funds in your account.
    Btw I am no financial expert.
    As long as you have the cleared fund in your Abbey account why no try it??
  • When you do a debit card transaction, the bank will obviously check you have cleared funds/sufficient overdraft facility available. They will also have an authorisation limit, for fraud prevention purposes. Any transaction over this limit would be referred, which means in a shop, the shop keeper would have to make a phonecall. They would normally then ask for some details such as your Date of Birth etc, to confirm that the person attempting the transaction is the genuine card holder. This authorisation limit is set by each bank, and may vary for different types of card/account or groups of customer. Because Egg isn't a shop, they can't deal with the phoning up for authorisation and therefore can't process the transaction.
    Your bank won't tell you what the limit is, because it's secret. However, they won't charge you for declining a transaction over that amount.
  • It's all to do with the rules of the card scheme, not the rules imposed by your bank.
    Each card type has a "ceiling limit" - that is, the maximum amount that can be authorised for one transaction, regardless of the amount of cleared funds you have. The last time I asked what it was, it was Ј10,000 per transaction for switch/maestro, and I think Ј10,000 for Visa delta too.
    I'm not sure if the same ceiling limits apply to credit cards, but the card schemes make it absolutely clear that a retailer MUST NOT accept a single card for a purchase over the ceiling limit, in case of fraud. The merchant will not be protected against fraudulent activity if they sell something costing, say Ј15,000, and put two transactions below the ceiling limit through for the same item, eg one for Ј9,000 and another for Ј6,000.
    So that's why they say there's a maximum limit for transactions - nothing to do with abbey, it's just that the retailer isn't allowed to let you use a debit card to buy something costing more than that (legitimately).
    Does that help?
  • Thanks for all the replies. Will go ahead with the transfer.
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