28 Feb 2018

A question about : 2nd Barclaycard

I currently have a Barclaycard Visa with quite a high (unused) limit.

I requested (via my account) an accompanying Barclaycard Mastercard, as I thought it would be useful to have a Mastercard as well as a Visa.

BC wrote to me offering the MC, but it would not be with a separate credit limit. Instead, I would need to transfer some of the credit from the Visa to the MC.

The question is, is it worth it? would the MC gain me any benefits? Is it advantageous to have two separate BCs, even if each has a lower limit than just the one alone?

Thanks for your help and advice. title=Smile

Best answers:

  • I don't think there's any significant difference between Visa and Mastercard (eg they're both equally accepted - in the UK, anyway.)
    If you specifically want a Mastercard, I'd look elsewhere for one offering a good new customer deal.
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