19 Aug 2016

A question about : 118 numbers

Beware of 118118. For the first time in years I had to get a phone number from them. It cost me Ј9.05. I couldn't believe it when my bill came through.

Best answers:

  • When BT introduced charges for Directory Enquiries in about 1990, I think the charge was about 20p.
    Someone's got to pay for all that advertising the 118 companies make. And BT won't include 118 numbers being barred when you bar premium rate number calling.
    Personally, I would go without making the phone call rather than pay a single penny to a 118 company. But the internet is my friend.
  • I thought all 118 providers had to state the cost of the call at the beginning? Or did I just make that up in my head?!?
  • According to the 118118 website their current charge is Calls to 118 118 cost Ј1.88 per call plus Ј2.57 per minute, (minimum 60 second charge) from most landlines. This is how BT charges for landlines, but there may be differences in how other networks charge.
    This person was charged over Ј80 for a call. She's with TalkTalk who charge more than BT for 118118.
    I think the cheapest 118-based DQ service at the moment is 118 226
  • 118 calls are a ripoff these days. I have them barred from our 'phone system and use 192.com or Google to find the number.
  • Why did you 'have' to get the number from 118118?
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