05 Mar 2016

when to transfer an existing ISA

A question about : when to transfer an existing ISA


I wish to transfer an existing cash ISA to a new account. I have not used all this financial year's allowance yet, should I therefore transfer prior to the end of the financial year (to get a better rate than I am on) or transfer once the new tax year begins?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Best answers:

  • If you can find a better rate then transfer it as soon as you can.
    Don't transfer it yourself though, let the new provider do it.
08 Mar 2016

Basic ISA allowance q

A question about : Basic ISA allowance q


04 Mar 2016

Where to start ? Stocks and Shares ISA

A question about : Where to start ? Stocks and Shares ISA

Hello over the last 5 years I have always used the full cash isa allowance. I have money spare to use and would like to consider investing the rest of my tax free allowance into stocks and shares before the end of the current tax year. Having no experience in this side of investing, I am looking for any help/suggestions to get me started.

Moneysaving newbie

03 Mar 2016

To Many Choices

A question about : To Many Choices

So, I am getting confused by the shear number of options when it comes to S&S Isa's

I am 32, my pension forecast currently looks positive to retire at 57, so I'd like to try and bring that forward by investing in S&S ISA to fund the gap between say 50-57, 50 being the current goal as mortgage would be gone, and child will be grown up.

I set up a S&S ISA in 2007 and just had Ј50 going into it, Nationwide one, which uses L&G, I pretty much just set it up and forgot about it until recently.

03 Mar 2016

Will you unwrap your ISA's?

A question about : Will you unwrap your ISA's?

Current interest rates for ISA's are abysmal!

Myself and my wife have built up some tidy sums over the years and are both basic rate taxpayers. We can earn at least 3% on various current accounts 123/Lloyds/TSB etc which nets down to 2.4%.
Current ISA rates are less than 2% with 5 year fixes struggling to get to 2.4% for transfers in.

With interest rates forecast to go up within that period it seems better to me to unwrap my tax protection, which is currently negative, and start again some time in the future?

08 Mar 2016

MOve S and S ISA?

A question about : MOve S and S ISA?

Knowing that having (nearly) all my money in cash not a great idea, several years ago I went to my Financial adviser who had set up my SIPP (with which I'm very happy - pays me an additional pension of circa Ј350 per month and is still sitting with roughly the same balance in it as 5 years ago) to ask for advice on an S and S ISA.

He recommended a split between 5 funds with AJ Bell
these are they

05 Mar 2016

Travel money

A question about : Travel money

I have a lot of euros left from last year - we're off to Jamaica in July - here's the question - should I change the euros back to pounds then into Jamaican dollars or straight from euros to dollars can anyone advise the best thing to do.??


07 Mar 2016

Can I transfer between ISAs in same provider?

A question about : Can I transfer between ISAs in same provider?

I had an ISA with Cheshire building society a few years ago. This year I took out a regular saver ISA with Nationwide at 2.5%. The Cheshire transferred their ISA across to Nationwide. So now I have 2 ISAs with Nationwide, the old transferred one at 0.5%. Can I transfer funds from the old one into the new one at the higher interest rate? I can't afford to put any more into the new one and yet have money sitting in the old one at a lower %.

