18 May 2018

Offered a temporary contract

A question about : Offered a temporary contract

I am after a bit of help for my friend (I don't have any knowledge of benefits).

My friend has been claiming income support for about six months since separating from her husband. She has been working as a dinner lady - which the benefits office know about. She has been receiving housing benefit for her rent.

14 May 2018

Am I missing something? Getting a job is easy!!

A question about : Am I missing something? Getting a job is easy!!

Ok, so my own business is doing as well as can be expected in the reciession but i decided for some extra income to get a extra job.

Started seaching Thurs morning, had a few interviews yesterday, start work first thing Monday..........

So am I missing something? Why does JSA exist again?!?

16 May 2018

I want to get a job in America

A question about : I want to get a job in America

I really want to move to America, so I need to get a job there. I am just about to graduate with a degree in Zoology, although I don't mind what I do so long as it gets me out there.
Please help!

Best answers:

    16 May 2018

    Employment Contract

    A question about : Employment Contract

    I have recently left univeristy with a degree and started a job 3 weeks ago but I really don't like the job anymore and just want to leave. My employment contract says that I have to give one weeks notice if I want to leave.

    Can an employer really force you to work the 1 weeks notice? If you don't is it technically breach of contract where you could be sued in court? I've never heard of an employer taking an employee to court for not working their notice.

    Does anyone know what the chances are of this happening ?

    20 May 2018

    Homeworking help.

    A question about : Homeworking help.

    Hi all,

    I was wondering if anyone had any information about homeworking.

    I have to go into hospital soon to have a hip operation, and as such will be literally off my feet for about six weeks. My current employment (working through an agency) means I won't be paid anything for the time I have off, and will not be able to support my family. It is coming down to a choice between my health and debt - I am considering putting the operation off.

    20 May 2018

    Need help, haven't been paid since leaving job

    A question about : Need help, haven't been paid since leaving job

    Hi all,

    I started a job that lasted three month's on a trial basis and I didn't make it, I have recived all payment's apart from one whitch is for two week's, every time I ring her she put's it off my saying my cheque was lost in the post, this she says has happend twice, I've never had anything lost in the post before!.

    18 May 2018

    Will I get fired for this?

    A question about : Will I get fired for this?

    Thank you for reading and I look forward to any replies.

    19 May 2018

    Re. DWP Online Test For AO

    A question about : Re. DWP Online Test For AO

    I sat an extremely difficult online test yesterday for an AO post with DWP. It was for the Pension Service. The test is the one where they give you 75 mins to answer 36 questions. Unfortunately, I got the bad news today that I did not pass.
