14 May 2018

A question about : Am I missing something? Getting a job is easy!!

Ok, so my own business is doing as well as can be expected in the reciession but i decided for some extra income to get a extra job.

Started seaching Thurs morning, had a few interviews yesterday, start work first thing Monday..........

So am I missing something? Why does JSA exist again?!?

Best answers:

  • Because not everyone is as lucky/skilled/talented/employable as you?
  • It took me 4 months to get a job last time I was looking. Even Tesco night shift turned me down
    I wasn't getting JSA so that wasn't impacting on my decision to get one, I really wanted one asap.
    I'm not very good at interviews though - I get too nervous and turn into a bit of a blurter
  • Depends what kind of job, the location and the hours were that you applied for.
  • "So am I missing something?"
    Perhaps a modicum of 'sensitivity'... ??
  • Because benefits are so high - particularly for families with children - that work does not pay in many cases. Not so much JSA, but housing and council tax benefits. Many of the available jobs are part-time and close to minimum wage.
  • I personally have never found it hard to get work but then I am single and have no children and have a car so am able to do pretty much anything.
    I would imagine others who have children, transport issues, family commitments to consider would maybe have to narrow the search a bit to suit, therefore take longer. Also people with special or different needs would maybe find it harder too.
  • Why do so many people assume that someone out of work, claiming JSA is also getting other benefits too and therefore not wanting to work??
    Why do people not realise that there are homeowners made redundant who still have to pay a mortgage? There are 2 parent families where one parent loses a job but the others salary is considered "too much" for them to qualify for extra help? There are many people who are out of work and get nothing more than the basic JSA!
    Also a point to be considered is that taking a job for 6hrs a week could well mean that mortgage protection will not pay out anymore....someone earning min wage for 6hrs a week and travelling 30miles to get there will also have to pay their bills out of that money!
    What about people who cannot afford to travel that distance to work?
    What about a couple where one works shifts meaning the other is limited on what hours they can do in order to care for child/ren?
    And back to the OP, you will find that job availability will vary widely across the country. As others have said many people have been turned down for jobs in Tesco/Asda/McDonalds or cleaning jobs because demand is so high.
    Perhaps rather than be so insensitive and arrogant you could just be grateful you have managed to find a job so quickly and easily.
  • OP - you are missing the "How not to be up-your-own-***-hole" gene.
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