31 Mar 2017

Ban the TV Licence

A question about : Ban the TV Licence

Or TV tax as it should be called.

Why on earth should anyone be forced by the goverment to pay to watch broadcasted video.

I do not like the BBC and already pay to watch programmes I do like, although I will be only watching DVDs soon.

Many people could save a lot of money without this vile tax.

Update: As I would like to not carry this on and on with pointless replys, I have added a poll. A vote will be a fair solution.

I respect everyones opinion and thank everyone who will take part.

28 Mar 2017

Taking kids out of school

A question about : Taking kids out of school

Why is it against the law to do this for some of us and not for others. 'Travellers' are allowed to take off any time for 'travelling' . Most of them live in houses and use this as an excuse. My daughter worked in a school with a large population of 'Travellers' and saw this happen many times. They even have their own school liaison officer. Surely this is discrimination??title=EEK!

29 Mar 2017

Loans targeting teens/students/those with debts.

A question about : Loans targeting teens/students/those with debts.

I was appalled to see a letter to my daughter from Provident Personal Credit offering cash loans for Ј100 to Ј500 (representative 399.7 APR title=EEK!). She got her first proper pay slip last week and is planning on University in September.

Fortunately she has a good MSE head on her shoulders so will not be taking them up on their outrageous offer.

26 Mar 2017

Is it illegal to give homeless ...

A question about : Is it illegal to give homeless ...

money or food .....Is there any written law, while i know it's discouraged is it actually illegal to do so.

so for example if a policeman asks me not can i tell him I can if I want or have to do as he asks

28 Mar 2017

faulty cosatto giggle pushchair

A question about : faulty cosatto giggle pushchair

27 Mar 2017

NewTesco online password policy

A question about : NewTesco online password policy

Anyone else been infuriated by Tesco's new online password strategy

Last week in a rush to do the shopping logged onto Tesco site only to be forced (no prior warning, no 14 days to change password etc) to change password.

Bad enough, but we as a family already have system to generate secure passwords - guess what, although the password was v secure according to their website, because it did not conform to their rules f what password must contain, it was rejected.

28 Mar 2017

Increase in State Pension Age

A question about : Increase in State Pension Age

As you know, anyone born after 6 October 1954 has a new State Pension age of 66 years. This is a loss of approximately Ј42,000 over the six years for every woman affected. I would urge you all to read and sign the online 38 degrees petition by Anne Keen. Simply google reverse the state pension law.

25 Mar 2017

Dentist Implants !!! Rip off

A question about : Dentist Implants !!! Rip off

Hi everyone

I am in the process of looking at implants to secure dentures the cost is basically Ј15000 per ark. Ј30,000 a full set

However the actual implants retail to dentists at Ј45 - Ј150 each

So let look at 4 top implants and 4 bottom and a pair of excellent dentures

Dentures Ј2000
8 implants @ Ј4000 with a decent profit

Total Ј6000 but we pay Ј30,000
