29 Mar 2017

A question about : Loans targeting teens/students/those with debts.

I was appalled to see a letter to my daughter from Provident Personal Credit offering cash loans for Ј100 to Ј500 (representative 399.7 APR title=EEK!). She got her first proper pay slip last week and is planning on University in September.

Fortunately she has a good MSE head on her shoulders so will not be taking them up on their outrageous offer.

However, this sort of marketing could catch the unwary out especially as it mentions all the usual reasons for being turned down are likely to be accepted.

One to add to Martin's list perhaps?

Best answers:

  • Provident have been around for years, and this is nothing new.
    Whether I think they should be banned, and whether they're a properly licensed company that won't break peoples legs if they don't pay are two different ways of looking at it, and if absolutely necessary, it's better for people to use these guys than someone who will, surely?
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