17 Jan 2018

When will DLA be paid over Christmas?

A question about : When will DLA be paid over Christmas?

My partner is due incapacity benefit payment for December 28th and DLA every Monday which will be boxing day, Will he get an early payment?

18 Jan 2018

Email address for Job Centre Plus complaints Department please.

A question about : Email address for Job Centre Plus complaints Department please.


Does anybody happen to have the email address for the complaints department at Job Centre Plus/DWP please?

I have googled until I am blue in the face but keep ending up at the same place, without an email address!!

20 Jan 2018

Income Support: Christmas Payments

A question about : Income Support: Christmas Payments

Evening title=Smile

Is there a way of working out when payments might fall during Christmas? I'd really like to budget for Christmas week as I'm on Income Support due to my health but I'm not entirely sure when they will be paid. I know some are paid in advance but I'm not sure just how far.

20 Jan 2018

Christmas Benefit payment queries [merged]

A question about : Christmas Benefit payment queries [merged]

Im due my benefits on 29th Dec and 30th Dec, will these payment dates change due to xmas?

Ive had a look on the forums i cant find anything specific?

Its Income Support and DLA due on those days

thanks in advance title=Smile

19 Jan 2018

Partner moving in and DLA or not?

A question about : Partner moving in and DLA or not?

I am a mum of 3 and currently live with my children in a privately rented house. I have been on IS and not working for three years now. I would like my partner to move in but we are not sure if we would be worse off as he is working.

22 Jan 2018

Renting from family and housing benefit

A question about : Renting from family and housing benefit

I've found information which says you cannot claim housing benefit if you rent from a close family member that you're living with but I wonder if anyone can help with a more specific case?

I know someone who has a close family memeber who has a property that is uninhabited. Would it be possible to get housing benefit for this property? The landlord would be living in another house.

Many thanks

16 Jan 2018

Benefits check up guide and tool discussion

A question about : Benefits check up guide and tool discussion

Very useful tool but results page a little confusing. It looks as if I could get help with council tax because our non-dependant daughter living with us is on low income. However, there is a qualification that to get this benefit I must be in receipt of the guaranteed pension credit element. In that section it states that I am not eligible, which I accept, but surely the checker should then have negated the possible council tax benefit! Am I missing anything?

21 Jan 2018

JSA sanction

A question about : JSA sanction

My daughter has had her JSA stopped two weeks ago because she failed to apply online for a Christmas job at Boots. She had physically taken the form into the store but they refused to accept it from her,so she explained this to the jobcenter people and they told her they would have to consider her benefit and let her know within eight working days, on the ninth one she rang and has been told that she can't get any money for another three weeks, which would make a total of five weeks with no money.
