08 Jul 2016

The Sorry Story of a Cannabis Farm

A question about : The Sorry Story of a Cannabis Farm

04 Jul 2016

Big water bill in new house

A question about : Big water bill in new house

Hello everyone

Firstly to introduce myself. We recently bought our first house. This has been an exciting time for us but also brought some very new experiences.... being a homeowner brings new responsibilities title=Smile There's a whole bunch of question I have about different things so I'm looking forward to speaking with posters.

The first things is water bills and possible leaks. Oh dear title=Frown

08 Jul 2016

legal water and electric sharing

A question about : legal water and electric sharing

I contacted Northumbrian Water today and was quite surprised with their response.A business and i use this loosely have for the last five years used a neighbours garden tap to fill up tractor loads of water. Which they then use on their business premises and take some to another site ,also to water their horses and to use use in their caravan .

04 Jul 2016

Water bill for un-metered empty property

A question about : Water bill for un-metered empty property


Looking for a little clarity as trying to reduce costs.

We were selling our flat last year, only it fell through.

In the process we moved to a new house and the buyer of the property messed us about so much the flat was empty for 4 months and then they pulled out.

We have managed to rent for now to try and recoup expenses and will re-sell in new-year.

I have received a water bill of Ј140 for the period it was empty.

08 Jul 2016

Problems with Severn Trent

A question about : Problems with Severn Trent

Hi guys,

Currently having a few issues with Severn Trent relating to mistaken identity and them being really unhelpful!

02 Jul 2016

Big water bill, but on someone else's name

A question about : Big water bill, but on someone else's name

We live in a shared house that we rent. over the years there were numerous people lived here and we have a bill just over Ј2000 and that is about 5 years of water.

05 Jul 2016

severn trent heavy handed tactics

A question about : severn trent heavy handed tactics

We received a bill for approx Ј40 from Severn Trent dated 01/10/14, we've had a lot going on with a death and threatened redundancy so unfortunately this was forgotten.., so today, the 20/10/14 we receive a letter threatening court action if it's not paid in 14 days. This has made me really angry, I fully intend to pay it but, is there a way that I can make them pay for their heavy handed tactics without actually getting into trouble?

03 Jul 2016

Sudden jump in water bill

A question about : Sudden jump in water bill

We're at a loss,

For the past 5 years our water usage has been consistent, about 50 units (cubic meters) per half year, the suddenly the new October bill is 135 units?

The only unusual things in the last six months have been a slight overflow leak in the toilet, which I fixed in half a day, and we've had the drive block paved, but I can't see the contractors using 85 tonnes of water to do that.
