03 Jun 2016

taken voluntary redundancy from one job, still working another. JSA?

A question about : taken voluntary redundancy from one job, still working another. JSA?

Hi All

I've been working 2 part time jobs, one employed and one self-employed. I've just taken voluntray redundancy from the 'employed' job (jumped before I was pushedtitle=Frown) and will still be working part time in the self-employed job.

01 Jun 2016

Redundancy Obligations

A question about : Redundancy Obligations

Hi I have recently been made redundant after serving 5 years as a production manager with my employer.

02 Jun 2016

Redundancy leave without working notice to start new job

A question about : Redundancy leave without working notice to start new job

Hi there,

I was made redundant last week. They have asked that I work my notice, which is one month.

Thankfully earlier this week I was able to find a short term contract elsewhere. However, the catch is that they want me to start this coming week.

If I tell my current employer that I wish to leave this week, can he refuse to let me go?

I understand that I probably won't get my full redundancy pay if I leave early, but I don't mind as I will be getting paid by my new job.

04 Jun 2016

Full and Final Salay Letter

A question about : Full and Final Salay Letter

31 May 2016

Job title change

A question about : Job title change

I have been moved into another department at work and there is talk of changing my job title. Can they change this or can I ask for it not to be changed. Normally changing titles to me means redundancies further down the line so they can get shot of you.

04 Jun 2016

Risk of Redundancy and Ring-Fenced Post

A question about : Risk of Redundancy and Ring-Fenced Post

31 May 2016


A question about : Underpaid

Hi i am lookinh for some advise. I was sent an email on Friday 14th November at 6.30pm at night from my now former employers saying to me that i was beinh let go and will be given a week in lieu.

I was paid on 21st November my last wages. However i believe it was around Ј400 short. They have either not paid me the week in lieu, or they have not paid me for overtime i had already done.

31 May 2016

Non-Financial Redundancy Tips

A question about : Non-Financial Redundancy Tips

After thirty years of employment, I've been made redundant at 51. Fortunately my company are helping me with a payment and I don't really have too many financial worries. What I wondered, as the days stretch ahead, are the best tips for using up free time? At the moment, my days are more than full (I'm only in Day Two of having no work, to be fair, so it feels more like a holiday!) but I've no idea how long I'll be out of work as I've been pretty much a white collar employee all my career.
