11 Sep 2016

How much milk for a 7 month old?

A question about : How much milk for a 7 month old?

Hi ladies (and gents!)

Could anyone give me any guidance on how much milk a 7 month old should be having a day?

I'm finding it all a bit baffling as I was EBF'ing up until a couple of weeks ago. Now DD is having a bottle at 7.30pmish before bed, BF in the night if she wakes (normally at least a couple of times), a BF first thing in the morning..and then really I am trying to get her to take bottles as I am ready to start weaning her off the breast once and for all.

16 Sep 2016

Mumsnet Bumpfest tickets giveaway

A question about : Mumsnet Bumpfest tickets giveaway

Hi all!

Just a reminder, if you're having or planning to have a baby and can get to London we have 10 tickets to give away for Mumsnet's Bumpfest. The thread's not very busy yet so you could be in with a pretty good chance of getting one.

Bumpfest giveaway

Best answers:

    13 Sep 2016

    Quick weaning question

    A question about : Quick weaning question

    My baby is 6 months old and I have started introducing her to her first tastes of solid food.

    So far she has had butternut squash, mashed banana and carrots and potato puree..she seems to like everything so far which is great.

    However I recall buying special baby porridge for my son when he was weaning, so bought a box of Organix baby porridge for DD, which she doesn't seem to like..I don't blame her, it smells horrible and I wouldn't eat it so I chucked it away!

    15 Sep 2016

    How to prevent freezer burn

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    12 Sep 2016

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    Evening all not sure this is the right place.

    Basically I bought the mothercare xpedior travel system in June last year.

    Pram was great until the breaks started sticking and breaking without touching the break itself. This was october Quite dangerous IMO,
    Went back to mothercare who were understanding and swapped the pram immediately for a new one, extended my warranty etc ( I was very happy I had heard they wouldn't help)

    12 Sep 2016

    Help..baby won't take a bottle

    A question about : Help..baby won't take a bottle

    As per the title, my 6 month old has suddenly started refusing to take a bottle.

    She has been exclusively breast fed, but in the last couple of weeks has taken a few bottles of expressed b/milk and a bottle of Aptamil so we thought all was well. but

    Next week I am due to go on a 2 day work trip to France, and all of a sudden baby won't have anything to do with a bottle so I am starting to panic title=Frown

    16 Sep 2016

    Random thought..Breast Milk vrs Breast Milk?

    A question about : Random thought..Breast Milk vrs Breast Milk?

    Think my 15 month is coming down with chicken pox but hopefully my 2 month has some immunity for it because I do from my breast milk...this got me thinking..what if I hadn't had it before?

    Wouldn't it make sense that difference woman have different immensities so giving a baby milk from loads of woman in theory...should make them healthier?

    As I said complety random thought... title=EEK!
