11 Dec 2017

Retired people, do you not get bored?

A question about : Retired people, do you not get bored?

Is it not easy to get bored when you're retired? Do you have a life of daytime TV, do you not get bored?

UNless you have loads of money, it must be very boring imo

11 Dec 2017

Netflix suggestions

A question about : Netflix suggestions

So after going 6 months without i finally got my own netflix account (well months free trial for now title=Top ).

Can anyone suggest anything good to watch? I've already watched Breaking Bad/Prison Break/Dexter/(part of) Orange is The New Black

I like crime/thriller type stuff but also some comedy. A bit of supernatural stuff could be ok too.

I don't know where to start title=ROTFL

10 Dec 2017


A question about : test


Best answers:

  • exam
  • assess
  • Testicle ?
  • testosterone ;D
  • examination
  • Ok, I'll play myself then............assessment! Ha!
  • Er... (at the risk of getting shipped off to 'discussion time') - inspection!
  • testical inspection :P
  • monkey business
  • Test-o- rama... Did the test work?
13 Dec 2017

The Goodnight Thread.

A question about : The Goodnight Thread.

Let folks know you're checking out.

Nighty Night one and all.

Until tomorrow.....

14 Dec 2017

Beware of these despicable rogues.

A question about : Beware of these despicable rogues.

Yesterday the OH answered the door to a young man who purported to be deaf. He handed her a card which said his name was David and he was trying to sell his artwork to pay for fees to go to a special art school. He had with him a plastic folder full of photocopied artwork.

11 Dec 2017

My cat

A question about : My cat

My cat is getting fat, what should I do?

12 Dec 2017

Dog scares the bejesus out of the postman

A question about : Dog scares the bejesus out of the postman

The Dog had been at the dressing up box and found a wig.


Best answers:

    09 Dec 2017

    Are you giving anything up for Lent (poll)

    A question about : Are you giving anything up for Lent (poll)

    I have decided to give up chocolate - including things with chocolate - biscuits, cereals, sweet biscuits and crisps.

    Never bothered to give up anything up for Lent before. Hopefully this may shift some weight from me.

    Do you give up anything for Lent?
