09 Dec 2017

A question about : Are you giving anything up for Lent (poll)

I have decided to give up chocolate - including things with chocolate - biscuits, cereals, sweet biscuits and crisps.

Never bothered to give up anything up for Lent before. Hopefully this may shift some weight from me.

Do you give up anything for Lent?

Best answers:

  • No - more religious nonsense.
  • I'm going to (try) to give up all junk food for lent and cook all of my food from scratch. I'm going to get my 5 a day every day too, and I've got a fitbit which counts my steps so I'm aiming for 10,000 every day of lent.
    So I'm not really giving anything in particular up, I'm just using lent as an excuse to be a bit healthier. The way I see it is it's only 40 days, I should be able to stick to healthy eating for that long and will hopefully form some better habits by doing it.
  • Once again, it'll be the marathon nudist hedgehog squatting.
  • What is lent?
  • I am going to start smoking so i can give it up for lent.
  • In the last few years I have successfully given up:
    This year think I'll give up Tofu!
  • Which 40 days do people give this stuff up for?
  • I voted other as I started my diet again today so giving up carbs & calories.
  • I could not vote. It seems the poll is only arranged in a way that we ALL must give something up, either that or it was far too complex to include NOTHING in the poll.
    So in effect, I gave up LENT last Year for lent.
  • I'm giving up voting in MSE Polls for Lent.
  • I'm giving up Australian Solo, a game where you play with yourself down under.
  • I'm giving up lent for lent. I promise not to practice lent for the next 40 days.
  • Yes, religion.
    The poll results add up to 125% as I type this.
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