02 Nov 2017

Competition Scams

A question about : Competition Scams

Unfortunately there are a lot of scam competitions about these days, one of the top ones being you have won a holiday and pay this admin fee to get it. 99.9% of the time you pay your money and never get your holiday.

Due to popular demand This thread has been created so all scams can be posted here, so hopefully no MSE'rs will get caught out and lose any money!!

One word of warning for you all. If you win a competition you should never have to pay for anything to get the prize ie. admin fee etc.....

04 Nov 2017

Friday Favour?

A question about : Friday Favour?

Hi Guys,

I usually post the Ting teaser on Fridays, but I will probably be out for most of the day. I still may be in time to post, but if some kind soul wanted to get there first, it would give peeps more time to play. Last time I nagged encouraged Chelsea to do it, but I thought I'd test our new board and see what happens. If someone wants to have a go (assuming it's on, as sometimes they miss a week) please go to


07 Nov 2017

Non delivery of goods

A question about : Non delivery of goods

I have placed an order through my business for office furniture six weeks ago. The emailed order stated delivery between 7 - 10 days. However I was advised when I phoned that the factory who was to make up the furniture was closing down for two weeks and there would be a delay. I was advised delivery would be before date 24th Aug (six weeks after order) and I asked for as much notice as possible.

03 Nov 2017

Question on Duplicates

A question about : Question on Duplicates

Question on duplicate comps...

If you enter your details for a comp before someone points out that it is a dupe, and the site doesn't tell you that you entered before, will you get disqualified?

04 Nov 2017

Facebook App problem

A question about : Facebook App problem


Im trying to enter this comp


But when I click on the link I get a message on FB saying

This application does not yet support secure browsing (HTTPS).

02 Nov 2017

How do you all do it?

A question about : How do you all do it?

Those of you who enter 100's of competitions a day, how do you manage to do it without it getting in the way of other things in your life?

06 Nov 2017

Comping For Cash Article Discussion

A question about : Comping For Cash Article Discussion

Second what Al says

btw you have spelt competitions wrong on the grey sub header

05 Nov 2017

Does anyone know this number?

A question about : Does anyone know this number?

Since Monday i've been getting a missed call a day from this number: 01619023741

Anyone else had any calls from this number?

Best answers:

  • Googling the number suggests that it's TalkTalk wanting to talk about "offers". That's what the whocallsme website says anyway.
