24 May 2015

Phil and teds buggy auction

A question about : Phil and teds buggy auction

I saw the article about the dad selling his Phil and teds buggy on ebay.
It reached a silly price of thousands of pounds with 100s of bids, but the auction ends today so I had a look to see where it was at. Funny as all the dodgy bids have gone and it's back to normal selling price.

Best answers:

    24 May 2015

    NYC Mayor: ‘Reconcile Yourselves With Your God, For All Will Perish In The Tempest

    A question about : NYC Mayor: ‘Reconcile Yourselves With Your God, For All Will Perish In The Tempest

    NEW YORK—As a major winter storm continued its advance toward New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio advised residents Monday to make peace with whatever higher power they call God, for all shall meet their death in the coming tempest.

    28 May 2015

    What city should you be living in?

    A question about : What city should you be living in?

    Have you ever wondered where in the world you should actually be living? Find out your dream city in this quick (and 100% non-scientific) quiz.
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    28 May 2015

    Funny Joke Thread

    A question about : Funny Joke Thread

    A tourist in Vienna is going through a graveyard and all of a sudden he hears some music. No one is around, so he starts searching for the source. He finally locates the origin and finds it is coming from a grave with a headstone that reads: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770-1827. Then he realizes that the music is the Ninth Symphony and it is being played backward ! Puzzled, he leaves the graveyard and persuades a friend to return with him.

    24 May 2015

    Marmite and Pot Noodle Easter eggs?

    A question about : Marmite and Pot Noodle Easter eggs?

    Would you eat a Marmite-flavoured Easter egg? How about Pot Noodle? The unusual flavours will be coming to a shop near you soon, let us know if you'd try one and if not what flavour you'd like to see instead.

    28 May 2015

    How have you saved by NOT BUYING SOMETHING?!?!

    A question about : How have you saved by NOT BUYING SOMETHING?!?!

    I got a free check-up from a Motorbike magazine and took my old motorbike for a checkup and saved nearly Ј10,000 by not buying a new motorbike! I know, it sounds silly, but I really did want to but I cheered myself up by persuading myself I'd saved ten grand!

    I also saved Ј140 today when the mobile phone I thought I'd lost turned up at my gym and I was able to cancel the order I'd placed for a new one. Very, very happy indeed! (thanks fitness first)

    22 May 2015

    50 Shades of Pink

    A question about : 50 Shades of Pink

    Poor Kermit ?


    Adult Supervision Recommended title=Have

    Best answers:
